Thursday, August 31, 2006

Photo by Susan H. Robichaud (

Good weather is still keeping up. Though I tend to count the day as a waste if I spend it indoors with the sun shining outside. Which was precisely what I ended up doing today. But I guess I can't actually count it as a total waste.

Music practice was a flop today. I'm disappointed at the lack of discipline and dedication shown by some, but I guess we can always turn a blind eye to some things if we still acheive the end result that we need? So practice ended early, but since the rooms were booked for 4 hours, I stayed to tinkle away at the ivory keys. I really miss playing a lot, and my fingers are starting to rust away at an alarming speed *scream*! To think that I used to be able to jump onto the stool and play whatever I want anytime I like. But until I'm actually settled in one place, or at least one house, getting my own set is out of the question. Till then, I must be content with sharing the university's with other students. And S's piece for Sunday is coming along well. It's a nice tune, very cheery indeed :D

Hot (Smash Mouth)
Hey, so you wanna play
You see my game's on fire
but we don't play the same game

You see i'm greedy for speed
And nuetral means nothing to me
So if that's your desire
We'll get along famously

But one thing
I like to lead

I light 'em up before the motor starts
I go so fast that I could never stop
Look on the hood but you don't know what I got
I'm a moving violation, baby, Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot.

Highway, that's my scene
I may look like A blur when you see me
And I mean, I 'm flirtin' with disaster
I'm a mastor of G's
Going faster, gonna pass ya', gonna pass some dust your way

And I'm sayin'
You got skills
That's somethin' to prove
But you're in my way so you better move
One foot on the peddle but never on the brake
So don't give me a reason
I got a license to race

[chorus x3]

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Nice weather again today, not as sunny but lovely nevertheless. And add on to that good food made by friends -- perfect! S got us all to go over to her place today for lunch. She and V cooked up a feast, literally. Despite how she's always going on how bad she is at cooking, her food today (her tandoori chicken especially -- hardly any left at the end!) proved otherwise. I liked her porridge the best, the nice blend of colours and it's subtle flavours makes for good eating :D And V treated us to her banana cake, made all the more rich with the addition of an ultra thick layer of chocolate! I seriously should have brought my camera along, then I could have posted a picture of the food instead :P

And we went for a walk in the botanical gardens afterwards. Not much flowers to be seen yet, though I was hoping that the recent summery weather would hve induced an early bloom. Dropped by the aviary, and then hopped over to the old cemetery behind the gardens. A few of the graves weren't well tended to, and a lot of the headstones weren't looking very flash. And out of the blue, S wanted to watch Spirited Away. Lucky thing T had his student ID on him, and after a bit of explaining and coaxing, another kindly soul at Central agreed to help us secure a group viewing room (we needed at least 2 IDs :S!)! Thank you ever so much to that kind-hearted girl :D!

I walked back rather late today, after watching another movie at S's place. Hm... I seem to be watching an awful lot of movies lately >.< I might decide to start carrying a 'weapon' when I walk back too... Some idiot I passed by tonight certainly got my adrenaline levels shooting sky high, good thing my crossing the road to the other side made him go away.. Whew! And it's not even Friday yet!

From The Ethical Brain:

Neuroscience will never find the brain correlate of responsibility, because that is something we ascribe to humans - to people - not to brains. It is a moral value we demand of our fellow, rule-following human beings. Just as optometrists can tell us how much vision a person has (20/20 or 20/40 or 20/200) but cannot tell us when someone islegally blind or has too little vision to drive a school bus, so pshychiatrists and brain scientists might be able to tell us what someone's mental state or brain condition is but cannot tell us (without being arbitrary) when someone has too little control to be held responsible. The issue of responsibility (like the issue of who can drive the school buses) is a social choice.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's the second day of the holidays today. Spent a good part of the day walking... in attempt to get to the reservoir here. It took us about two hours walking around the hills, up and down, north and south, east and west, before finally stumbling on our destination by chance. Whew! Apparently using the prescribed route, it should have taken us about 20 minutes... >.< And so it proved to be when we tracked our back using that route! At least we can say that we've gotten a good dose of exercise ^_^... my legs are starting to ache a little now. And I'm glad that I didn't stay indoors today too; the weather was incredible - the sun was shining and beautiful, the sky a bright blue with not a cloud in sight! A summer's day in winter LOL!

And I've just finished Tracy Chevalier's Falling Angels:

"But what about reassembly? How can the body and soul be reunited on
the Day of Resurrection if the body has been..." Mrs. Coleman did not complete
her sentence, but waved a hand at the cubicles.

"Burnt to a crisp," Maude finished for her. I stifled a giggle...
"Surely there is no difference between the decomposed remains of a
buried body and the ashes of a burnt one," he said...

Over his shoulder I saw a star fall. It was me.

It's surprising how quick a girl can grow up when she's a mind to.

It's nice how the books written in parts, seeing the sequence of events from the eyes of different people. Story was quite interesting, with many plots interweaving, though it was mostly about the two girls in the story growing up. Sad that the most intriguing character *or so I thought* was bumped off in the end.