Thursday, January 10, 2008

Few more weeks left to the holidays. Lately I've gotten a bit addicted to Maplestory. Not hopelessly addicted but addicted nontheless I suppose. But then again I don't see how it's something that can be carried over into the academic year though, so my Mano will have to take a good long holiday then. Met some little 'theif' during a PQ as well who later said that I was somewhat like his sis, based on the way I talk. Hmm... But seemed decent and so added him onto the buddy list. But sometimes I wonder what online buddies mean to different people. I tend to think of them as I would my offline friends. But how buddy can a person be with another that one has never met? There's another that was added today as well without a word being passed between our characters, just a couple of crazy jump competitions. Weird.

Went kayaking on the Avon this morning as well with T. Was pretty fun though it certainly isn't as easy as it looks. For one thing, going upstream can be somewhat of a pain in the upper arms. That and the fact that it's quite hard to keep the kayak straight on course. It veered right and left here and there quite a bit, so our path probably looked very ziggedy zaggedy. Very nearly crashed into one of those punting boats (whatever they are called :S!) too, and one of the tourists helped us out by giving us a push on the nose in the other direction. The punter gave us a tip that proved invaluable later too - to paddle in the opposite direction on the side we wish to turn towards. We both collected three pretty bluish-greenish duck feathers. A semi feat one could say, considering we were noobs at steering the kayak, having to head back and paddle towards the feather and overshooting it or steering a wee bit off towards the wrong side. Lol. So there's one for him, sis and I. I'm wondering what to do with mine though. Laminate it?? :S .. the stem is pretty big and round. Never realised that it was hollow until now either. The ducks were so pretty. Saw brown ones, and black ones, ones with white heads, and some mongrel-ly sort of duck.

Wormy cooked dinner today too. It was pretty much a do it or we'll both starve and I'll kick your bum sort of thing. Wormy made some sort of soy sauce stew with chicken and potatoes which I thought was pretty nice. It didn't thicken up as well as she hoped, but I was pretty happy with it. Gooey stews sound odd to me. Courgettes were cheap at the growers' market at church corner. Dollar thirty for a kilo. Bought almost a kilo of them, and it was only 5 courgettes I picked up! Lol. Wormy stir-fried them with onions and some belacan thingy we found in the kitchen. I thought it tasted nice, though it certainly didn't remind me of seaweed very much as she claimed. Lol. Got some nectarines as well for her. I guess I'm lousy at choosing. They were all red, but certainly not yet ripe. So the one she bit into today had to go into the bin. Cry.

Checked out the house for sale on Avnhd road online yesterday. It's certainly not cheap. I was hoping it would be lowish 200+ k. Though I certainly knew that was wishful thinking since the house looked very new, and it had 3 bedrooms, and was marketed as professional, stylish living and what not. Maybe too many bedrooms for one person alone, but then as T said, be a live in landlord. Lol. Maybe, but that would make it too much like flatting. The aim here is to have a house that I can call my own home right now. Anything resembling flatting just doesn't cut it. But then with a price that is 100+ more over what I hoped it would be just put me off it. But then what was I thinking? Using a 150 bucks a week borrowed money to pay off a mortgage or loan on a house? Probably end up living without food, power, internet or phone. Lol. I can't wait until TI year, where maybe I can start thinking about getting a teeny weeny apartment or something where I can make it my own castle and set up my throne within. Lol, with the peanuts that Mr. Bigshot promised that would be paid to TIs. Sweat. Big dreams. Issh, another two years of renting and flatting like living is what I can see at the moment. Perhaps I should think about checking how loans are like and continue dreaming for another two years. Sweat.

Perhaps with some things there can never be instant gratification. I certainly can't get a house now even if I wanted it. I have no idea how that habit came about but it does annoy a bit that I can't get what I want when I want it. Though sometimes I wish I could just up and forget everything and go away and live some crazy happy lifestyle. I have been reminded (unintentionally by some little innocent) how many more years I've have to sit down at the desk before I am actually worth something in the workforce. I have been reminded how many more years I have to continue being a renter before I may even think I can have a little hidey hole of my own. I have been reminded how many more years before I can think of going off to somewhere else. I have been reminded how that no matter what I probably would still be somewhat of an outsider and competitor. But then I suppose there's no real meaning to things if one doesn't work for it. I think I shall just wait for my efforts to fruit then for now. If my impatient doesn't kill me first. Lol.

After listening to a comment today, I wonder if what I've always suspected is true. But then it's not exactly something that can be confirmed anyway. That and add on the fact that my memory is as great as an elephants when it comes to hurting comments makes it all the more weird and uncomfortable, and yet a desire to please screaming for attention makes handling situations so very challenging at times. The urge to just run and hide can be overwhelming. Sometimes I wonder about giving up, but promises are made to be kept therefore try I must then?

I think I'll drop by Radius tomorrow and see what's available.