Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mummy.... Do you think this would look good on me.... Me want.... Make... Make.... Kweee? ^^

Big fly has been lazy and not been doing much, but at least I've finished the clinical question report. Hopefully I'll finish the presentation slides tonight as well and that will be it. Gather the last bits of data I need tomorrow for the chronic patient report thingy and type it up and that would be the end of it as well. I'll have to start practicing the shoulder and knee exam soon too!

I haven't made challah in a long time now. Was thinking of making some other stuff the other day, but considering how I've got quite a full bottle of yeast still sleeping away in the fridge....

I played some with the black/dark blue eyeshadow and white and silver/gray ones today, on a unwilling pup and my own. I can't quite seem to get it to look right. Most times it looks like I've gotten a semi-black eye almost?? :S Lol. Not that I really want to walk around a goth of course... heh heh *laughs in a high-pitched voice, waving accusations away*

Saw ah jie today. Gaaa.... it's somewhere about 19 weeks?? Erm.. bump noticeable. Not very comfortable. It brings to mind again the article I saw on a childless by choice person's blog some weeks ago. Which then reminds me of the tomato-coloured-screaming-howling-vomit-smelling thing I had to carry earlier in the year which totally freaked me out. Which then reminds me of the scary stories I've ever heard about pain, tears and tears (one is to rip, one is to drip... am I spelling it right??) and needles, and what not... gaaa.... It's almost like pets. It's nice seeing someone elses's pet and playing under safe settings, but there's the safety net of it not being your responsibility.

Thinking further out into women's health in general, after the surg run, after this run, should I be more mindful and check myself for lumps? Should I even bother about smears? Ack. What a hypocrite I'll be.

I need to start being serious about practising my pieces since gen med and cardioresp are coming up. Do I really want to sign up for the performance? Do I? I really miss the adrenaline rush. But greater is my fear of screwing up in front of people I will be meeting for many years still probably.... must do so hard out tomorrow if Rolleston is free morning...

But at the same time I'm thinking of making challah tomorrow... bugger... I need more hours in a day.... should I do it on Monday night then?? Think think think....

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Second week of run is over now. I'm not very far on both my assignments for my GP run which is kinda sad when I think about it seeing as I'll have a couple of other things to worry about soon in two weeks plus time. At least I've made some headway which makes me feel slightly better. Not really in the mood to do any work to be honest.

Was on the bus yesterday back from work. No one else besides driver and me. Went to get a seat and then I thought I saw something that looked somewhat like a bag of money, more or less like the one I put into the safe after I cash up the tills after work. I sat down thinking it was probably some dirty handkercheif or something. After a while I got curious (why?? :S) and bent over to get a closer look at it (hoping to see snot??) and what the heck, it WAS a bag of money. Went up to the driver with it, I think I found something and it contains a lot. -_-"' What an intelligent statement now that I think of it. She pulled over, turned round and took a look and said that sure is. Double -_-"'. I either made her day, or we both made some careless guy's day. But as I sat throughout the remainder of the journey, I couldn't help but wonder what I could have done with an extra bit of cash. >.< Does that been any good karma has been negated by those bad thoughts I wonder now?? LOL.

Going over to visit my chronic case patient again tomorrow. She likes apricots. There sure isn't any right now simply because it's the wrong season. Darn. Got her a box of raspberry and peach tea instead. Hopefully that's good enough compensation. :S I personally think peaches, apricots and nectarines all taste the same. Wonder if she'll think so?? Gaaaa... at least I tried ... trying to convince myself here. Lol. And I'm thinking if I should go back and buy another to perfume my cupboard with it. It smells yummy.....