kweee...... puppy made me a nice pandan chiffon cake ^^
and mebbe i'll make a kimchi chocolate cake this weekend or next??
had yummy sambal belacan beans too! and syu made trifle and bomi made kimchi tuna stew and carina made kimchi pancake .... mmmmm... and annie brought along fruits.... what a food oriented person i am.... fufufu
micro exam tomorrow. waaaah
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I saw xanthelasmata for the first time in a patient coming to the pharmacy to buy Panadol. It's hard to not look at it when you're going oooh oooh it's the same as the ones in the textbooks!!
And using the torch for the first time I thought I would check out the insides of my nostrils (hey, it was the puppy that first put the idea in my head when he was doing his CR run!). Then I thought it would be cool to do an arc reflex on my eyes. Never really got around to doing them when I saw the 'hole' in my eye :S! Left iris first. Ho hum ho hum pupil shrank. Right iris next. Hold on. What the heck is this little tear there in the lateral side of my iris??! OR is it?? Shine from all angles. Hm.... there this shadow thingy that changes position like a shadow. The heck? I have a hole in my right iris?? I sense..... freak genes! LOL!
And talking about that, I have finally confirmed that my nanny is the one responsible for my short munted nails. T_T cry...! Gaa... no wonder they were heaps uncomfortable after every time nana chopped them. Gaa.... bad nanny lol!
Me got pot of flowers from puppy too! ^^ Kwee! Me like orange daisies! Me decided roses aren't that bad after all though they look more mysterious than cheerful :)! Kwee! I can't wait to get some sort of semi-permanent place to stay in where I can have at least a pot plant. Hopefully a lemon or an orange plant. Lime would be great too :D!
Got the case history done now. Lauren was so sweet to look it over twice for me, first when it was half done. ^^ Swoon... And now on my project presentation. Hope to get it done within the next few days and then start on micro and maybe have a quick look through path or something. YUS! Aja! Aja!
And using the torch for the first time I thought I would check out the insides of my nostrils (hey, it was the puppy that first put the idea in my head when he was doing his CR run!). Then I thought it would be cool to do an arc reflex on my eyes. Never really got around to doing them when I saw the 'hole' in my eye :S! Left iris first. Ho hum ho hum pupil shrank. Right iris next. Hold on. What the heck is this little tear there in the lateral side of my iris??! OR is it?? Shine from all angles. Hm.... there this shadow thingy that changes position like a shadow. The heck? I have a hole in my right iris?? I sense..... freak genes! LOL!
And talking about that, I have finally confirmed that my nanny is the one responsible for my short munted nails. T_T cry...! Gaa... no wonder they were heaps uncomfortable after every time nana chopped them. Gaa.... bad nanny lol!
Me got pot of flowers from puppy too! ^^ Kwee! Me like orange daisies! Me decided roses aren't that bad after all though they look more mysterious than cheerful :)! Kwee! I can't wait to get some sort of semi-permanent place to stay in where I can have at least a pot plant. Hopefully a lemon or an orange plant. Lime would be great too :D!
Got the case history done now. Lauren was so sweet to look it over twice for me, first when it was half done. ^^ Swoon... And now on my project presentation. Hope to get it done within the next few days and then start on micro and maybe have a quick look through path or something. YUS! Aja! Aja!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
On the cardioresp run now, four more weeks to go before it's the holidays.... assuming I pass of course *ahem*.... though I'm wondering if I would rather repeat a year than stay back for summer to redo a run?? :S
Halfway through or so through my case history now. The only painful part would be having to look through the papers required to do a critical appraisal or what not. Ugh. I really dislike having to look up papers and what not. Will have to start on the stuff for the presentation soon too otherwise I'm going to die come end of the run.
Gotta study for signs and symptoms test this coming Friday and also for Haematology that is on Thurs. Sigh. I wonder how much Haem has stayed back in my brain since I last finished going through it once? Will have to run through it again.
And the results from Gen Med are back. I've passed the run with .... a pass?? But still, it's a YUS!!! (e just doesn't cut it as cool enough unfortunately). And potential distinction for my case presentation too. Lol!
Haven't seen Dr Epton yet. He was supposed to take us for our cardioresp mentoring session but is away. Sigh. Why can't he be away during the final osce? That would be much much preferable. Hopefully I get the other combo where I won't have to see him in the osce, hah.
While at the pharmacy today I kept itching wanting to use the bp monitor again. I'm still not too happy about my last two readings. Wtf man... my long case patient who just had an MI has a bp waaaay better than mine. People eating McD all the time have bp's that are better too. Perhaps I should have a try on my other arm or listen to my renal vessels? Suddenly I feel like I'm like one of those lollies Carina brings back from Levin where the packaging is great but contains only two instead of the three lollies it's supposed to. Appears ok, but slightly defective. Not that the two lollies are any less yummy though. Heh.
Shit, why am I even worried? I've got about 10+ years before I need to worry about it. Meh.
Today the girls next door had their raya celebration. Yummy. Hah, I got to have delish rendang and lots of other stuff! Nyah nyah nyah to the bola! :P
Halfway through or so through my case history now. The only painful part would be having to look through the papers required to do a critical appraisal or what not. Ugh. I really dislike having to look up papers and what not. Will have to start on the stuff for the presentation soon too otherwise I'm going to die come end of the run.
Gotta study for signs and symptoms test this coming Friday and also for Haematology that is on Thurs. Sigh. I wonder how much Haem has stayed back in my brain since I last finished going through it once? Will have to run through it again.
And the results from Gen Med are back. I've passed the run with .... a pass?? But still, it's a YUS!!! (e just doesn't cut it as cool enough unfortunately). And potential distinction for my case presentation too. Lol!
Haven't seen Dr Epton yet. He was supposed to take us for our cardioresp mentoring session but is away. Sigh. Why can't he be away during the final osce? That would be much much preferable. Hopefully I get the other combo where I won't have to see him in the osce, hah.
While at the pharmacy today I kept itching wanting to use the bp monitor again. I'm still not too happy about my last two readings. Wtf man... my long case patient who just had an MI has a bp waaaay better than mine. People eating McD all the time have bp's that are better too. Perhaps I should have a try on my other arm or listen to my renal vessels? Suddenly I feel like I'm like one of those lollies Carina brings back from Levin where the packaging is great but contains only two instead of the three lollies it's supposed to. Appears ok, but slightly defective. Not that the two lollies are any less yummy though. Heh.
Shit, why am I even worried? I've got about 10+ years before I need to worry about it. Meh.
Today the girls next door had their raya celebration. Yummy. Hah, I got to have delish rendang and lots of other stuff! Nyah nyah nyah to the bola! :P
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Performance went... well? Overall the audience loved it though I myself knew where I made mistakes. After the rehearsal where I nearly made a mistake after thinking to myself 'it's the second to last page!', I was reminding the silly noodle to not get distracted. On the day itself that was precisely what it did, 'it's the last page! it's the last page! without mistakes!', and then I nearly stopped wondering what chord was next and then moved to hit what seemed most like it which was one tone lower than what it should have been. Lol. Thinking to myself now, do I want to perform for thanksgiving??
Had to work morning yesterday to cover for someone else. Went to about half past twelve, then caught a ride and went to A's. Barb's then sent me back... to work of course at 3. I was thinking at least this would make up for the lack of hours next week then since I've got acutes. Though it seems like I'll be having to work from six thirty onwards. Darn. But when I was thinking that to myself, I certainly wasn't counting on going up to half past nine. What the heck? Why do people have to see the doctors next door last minute? To hell with their coughs and aches and colds! $%^$#%%#$!! If you can leave it to the last minute then you can wait till tomorrow morning for your medicines! Especially that stupid Asian guy whose script was from two months ago. One lady came in with a five paged script right at 8.29! So can't lock the door because she has to leave again. And then more started coming in from there bearing their scripts. WtF! I can't cash up the till like that?!!! And then after we thought it was almost done, just as K was calling out the last customer the lady who called earlier that afternoon about Tixylix came in. Celaka! You had to wait all afternoon and evening before you come and get the mix for your croupy kid?!! And then the nerve to talk about 'I want colourless this, I want alcoholess that! He might react to those things!'. I don't bloody care if they react or not, just choose, buy, pay! And the nerve, the till was done by then and she had to pay by cash, and not the exact change either! And she was not even apologetic about it, even smiley happy! Cekik dia wanita celaka! And after I readjusted the float and K got everything else straightened out, it was half past nine-ish and I got home close to 10. Sweat.
The only thing that made it more interesting was the fact that the alarm went off at the doctors next door. And K was so worried we were the ones who set it off. Turn out that it was from the alarm from the side of the building furthest away from us and hence was someone else. Wonder if the two security guys caught anyone?? Hah, the morphine, methadone and pseudoephidrine are over at our side silly, not at the doctors!
p/s If you read through my entire rant, I pat you on the back and Beetley bug gives you big hug.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Today was the full dress rehearsal for the cultural night tomorrow. Was feeling so nervous, had to drag pupiaks along so many times just to get some practice at the hospital chapel's piano (poor thing, I'm making him page turner.... he wants to bonk my head with paper in return though :S) but hurrah it went ok during the rehearsal earlier on. So a bit more practice tomorrow maybe at the chapel and the last rehearsal and then it's shows on! Whopee! Can't wait to get it done!
Been thinking if I want to perform at the Thanksgiving service this year as well. Steinway piano up on offer I'm told. Gosh! I really want to, but playing what? And it's in September as well. Do I have enough time to practice and polish whatever pieces up I wonder? Do I still want to perform at the end of year's thingy?
As for the more geeky side of things, I suppose gen med is going ok so far. Can't say this is the best sort of run though. I much rather the short and brief ward rounds of surg than the leg jellying hours long gen med ones. And if I'm that desperate for patient contact then I'll take the less physically active one then. Standing the whole morning for one round is a bit much I say lol. I've done the first patient case history and shall hand it in tomorrow. Thinking if I should skip ward round early and start on my second in the morning, since there's no way I'm going to be really that free during the afternoon. Evening time is certainly out for sure now.
I should really get started some time on the presentation as well I suppose but I'm not motivated. Thinking of getting it done during the upcoming holidays. Lol.
Path these days are consisting mostly of dermatology pictures and slides. Lots of really scary skin lesions and lots of slides made up of cells and keratin. Hard to tell them apart though, but I least I get the general idea - pink cells with dark brownish (?) nuclei everywhere and then weird blue ones occasionally or lobulated nuclei here and there and dead skin bits right on the top. So very medical indeed.
I can't imagine how terrible life must be with psoriasis and all those other skin conditions. That one episode of whatever dermatitis on my neck and legs really made me afraid at one point that my skin would look ugly forever and I remember trying to cover my neck up with scarves and what not most of the time too. And golly that itch! I wonder if that is how scabies must be like as well?? Ugh!
Been thinking if I want to perform at the Thanksgiving service this year as well. Steinway piano up on offer I'm told. Gosh! I really want to, but playing what? And it's in September as well. Do I have enough time to practice and polish whatever pieces up I wonder? Do I still want to perform at the end of year's thingy?
As for the more geeky side of things, I suppose gen med is going ok so far. Can't say this is the best sort of run though. I much rather the short and brief ward rounds of surg than the leg jellying hours long gen med ones. And if I'm that desperate for patient contact then I'll take the less physically active one then. Standing the whole morning for one round is a bit much I say lol. I've done the first patient case history and shall hand it in tomorrow. Thinking if I should skip ward round early and start on my second in the morning, since there's no way I'm going to be really that free during the afternoon. Evening time is certainly out for sure now.
I should really get started some time on the presentation as well I suppose but I'm not motivated. Thinking of getting it done during the upcoming holidays. Lol.
Path these days are consisting mostly of dermatology pictures and slides. Lots of really scary skin lesions and lots of slides made up of cells and keratin. Hard to tell them apart though, but I least I get the general idea - pink cells with dark brownish (?) nuclei everywhere and then weird blue ones occasionally or lobulated nuclei here and there and dead skin bits right on the top. So very medical indeed.
I can't imagine how terrible life must be with psoriasis and all those other skin conditions. That one episode of whatever dermatitis on my neck and legs really made me afraid at one point that my skin would look ugly forever and I remember trying to cover my neck up with scarves and what not most of the time too. And golly that itch! I wonder if that is how scabies must be like as well?? Ugh!
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mummy.... Do you think this would look good on me.... Me want.... Make... Make.... Kweee? ^^
Big fly has been lazy and not been doing much, but at least I've finished the clinical question report. Hopefully I'll finish the presentation slides tonight as well and that will be it. Gather the last bits of data I need tomorrow for the chronic patient report thingy and type it up and that would be the end of it as well. I'll have to start practicing the shoulder and knee exam soon too!
I haven't made challah in a long time now. Was thinking of making some other stuff the other day, but considering how I've got quite a full bottle of yeast still sleeping away in the fridge....
I played some with the black/dark blue eyeshadow and white and silver/gray ones today, on a unwilling pup and my own. I can't quite seem to get it to look right. Most times it looks like I've gotten a semi-black eye almost?? :S Lol. Not that I really want to walk around a goth of course... heh heh *laughs in a high-pitched voice, waving accusations away*
Saw ah jie today. Gaaa.... it's somewhere about 19 weeks?? Erm.. bump noticeable. Not very comfortable. It brings to mind again the article I saw on a childless by choice person's blog some weeks ago. Which then reminds me of the tomato-coloured-screaming-howling-vomit-smelling thing I had to carry earlier in the year which totally freaked me out. Which then reminds me of the scary stories I've ever heard about pain, tears and tears (one is to rip, one is to drip... am I spelling it right??) and needles, and what not... gaaa.... It's almost like pets. It's nice seeing someone elses's pet and playing under safe settings, but there's the safety net of it not being your responsibility.
Thinking further out into women's health in general, after the surg run, after this run, should I be more mindful and check myself for lumps? Should I even bother about smears? Ack. What a hypocrite I'll be.
I need to start being serious about practising my pieces since gen med and cardioresp are coming up. Do I really want to sign up for the performance? Do I? I really miss the adrenaline rush. But greater is my fear of screwing up in front of people I will be meeting for many years still probably.... must do so hard out tomorrow if Rolleston is free morning...
But at the same time I'm thinking of making challah tomorrow... bugger... I need more hours in a day.... should I do it on Monday night then?? Think think think....
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Second week of run is over now. I'm not very far on both my assignments for my GP run which is kinda sad when I think about it seeing as I'll have a couple of other things to worry about soon in two weeks plus time. At least I've made some headway which makes me feel slightly better. Not really in the mood to do any work to be honest.
Was on the bus yesterday back from work. No one else besides driver and me. Went to get a seat and then I thought I saw something that looked somewhat like a bag of money, more or less like the one I put into the safe after I cash up the tills after work. I sat down thinking it was probably some dirty handkercheif or something. After a while I got curious (why?? :S) and bent over to get a closer look at it (hoping to see snot??) and what the heck, it WAS a bag of money. Went up to the driver with it, I think I found something and it contains a lot. -_-"' What an intelligent statement now that I think of it. She pulled over, turned round and took a look and said that sure is. Double -_-"'. I either made her day, or we both made some careless guy's day. But as I sat throughout the remainder of the journey, I couldn't help but wonder what I could have done with an extra bit of cash. >.< Does that been any good karma has been negated by those bad thoughts I wonder now?? LOL.
Going over to visit my chronic case patient again tomorrow. She likes apricots. There sure isn't any right now simply because it's the wrong season. Darn. Got her a box of raspberry and peach tea instead. Hopefully that's good enough compensation. :S I personally think peaches, apricots and nectarines all taste the same. Wonder if she'll think so?? Gaaaa... at least I tried ... trying to convince myself here. Lol. And I'm thinking if I should go back and buy another to perfume my cupboard with it. It smells yummy.....
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