Saturday, December 09, 2006

As proof that I've got nothing much to do lately, I've finished Picoult's Keeping Faith and started on The Historian. Keeping Faith was interesting, but not as good as My Sister's Keeper, though both endings leave me scratching my head.

More driving practice with dad today. We've decided to do a few more runs before going about asking after those classes... For a licence holder, it probably isn't too good an idea for me to turn up not even knowing how to turn on the engine :P! LOL, it's not that bad, but heck, with me stalling at every chance I can get, I probably would need loads of classes, which also equates to more money going to the tutor, money which I rather use for some other stuff ^_^... PGH's carpark was pretty empty today, so we started there. Nana keeps on saying changing gears is a purely mechanical thing, and that I would get the hang of it quickly... but apparently not quickly enough -_-"' I've given the car a few good jolts (thanks to the speed bumps!), nearly kissed a Pajero (I'm using a Kancil, eeeps!) and a motorcyclist (the car wasn't moving across the road fast enough!! *wails*), nearly threw nana out the window (thank goodness for seatbelts!)... The few workers doing some repairs to the curb at one of the junction certainly were sniggling away at my performance.... grrr... I'll remember to pack along some lightning bolts for their butts next time!

And I haven't been doing much piano practice lately... *shakes head at self* In fact, I haven't been able to concentrate on anything much for long... Holidays are good, but long extended holidays are baaad.... just as well nana's taking leave week after! Yippee! A chance to get off the island coming right up!

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