Thursday, February 08, 2007

Quoted straight from nana's mouth:
"I don't have a sweet tooth, I have sweet teeth" (followed by a huge grin)
It's times like these that make me wonder if my madness is inherited :P

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Nana got back from Sibu yesterday. Brought back k/g-ong pia. They're little bun thingies that come in two flavours, sweet or salty. I think they're awesome, especially with melted cheese, too bad I can't get them anywhere else. A whole box of langsat came back with dad as well. Apparently someone told him that langsat from Sibu is the sweetest around, but honestly, I don't really see the difference between this and langsat from other regions *shrug* Even more exciting was the creepy crawlies that hitched a ride along with the fruit... ugh! A couple of little worms (funny how they weren't in the fruit, just in the stems :S), a spider (*shriek* kill it kill it kill it!!), a whitish hairy round bug that scuttled rather quickly and looked as though it was growing some fungus on itself (interesting but I'm not touching it), and worse of all, a double-tailed blackish insect that moved like lightning which attempted to crawl up my fingers. That was the last straw, the box was closed back and chucked to one side. :P Let Nana sort them out when he gets back from work.
My locks have been gotten rid off at last. My head feels so much lighter :D, and I can now say bye-bye (with immense joy too) to having to invest so much energy and time washing, combing and tying them keratin strands. Though it's rather unfortunate that the hairdresser didn't get the style I wanted. Not that the one I got is all that bad, I admit she did a decent job of it, but when one gets psyche up about getting THE hairstyle, it's somewhat of a letdown to not get it.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

But in a way some of those qualities can actually be "bought". Even a talentless child can be trained to be really really good at something. But to do that, the parents probably might need to the funds to get the child trained. And a child with talent might never get the chance to shine simply because there isn't funds for him or her to train it up in the first place. And it seems a bit... bratty though to 'milk' the parents like that. Parents probably would gladly give the kids the best they can, but to expect it like that, seems to come uncomfortably close to taking something for granted. Not that I'm innocent of the latter myself now that I think of it :O! There's this ad over the radio where some lady was stuttering, struggling to say thanks to someone because she found it hard to do so. Not too realistic I would say. I think saying thanks is easy (being sincere at the same time would be more difficult I think, in which case one might as well not say it in the first place lol) but it's more of a case of forgetting or overlooking it?

Anyways, report on the tapioca cookies: dough was a tad too dry, and so it cracked in the oven and lacked that melt in the mouth feel. Bola likes it all the same, but I suspect it's more to do with the sugar content more than anything else. The chocolate cake I tried making came out incredibly moist. To the point where inverting it caused the top to go splat *wince*. It was cooked though, and a good blast of low temperatures put it right :P I put the blame on the oven *grin* The xiao long pao isn't worth mentioning. Could have passed for ordinary buns lol!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Of all the weird and nausea-inducing sights I've seen, that big bloody skinless, eye-lid-less, lip-less cow's head on resting on the big round wooden blood-stained chopping block trumps it all. Mumsy and I were turning into this little alley in the wet market to look for a certain stall, and being the unobservant lump I am (which in this case would have had proven useful... :S) I didn't notice a single thing except for the target destination until mum gave a startled jump. *ahem* I mean jump literally. Which then brought the monstrosity to my attention. It wouldn't have been bad if it had it's eyelids or something intact. Seeing those black shiny eyes looking as though they would nearly pop out of their sockets is just ... undescribable. Yet, morbid perverted person that I am, I just had to take a second look :S!!! We basically just back out and ran off from that alley. Those traders must have thought us chicken or something, but better than me chucking my breakfast anyways. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

And no matter what mum says, horseshoe crabs look just plain weird. And I don't like seeing live stuff for sale, fresh as they are. My pride at being a land-being tells me stuff that comes out from the water = weird. Though I'll readily admit fishies in a bowl are pretty. Weird but pretty.

Will start on the xiao long pao tomorrow, perhaps they might last long enough for nana... if they work out that is.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Upgraded blog today. Should have known better and saved up all the links lol, rather than believing that eB would save it all up automatically ^^"' Will have to start packing soon to see how much baggage space I have left. Don't want to run the risk of going overweight! Pretty quiet in the mornings and going to try out that yam dish thingy Cl explained to me :D

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Etia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem
No more things should be presumed to exist than are absolutely necessary