Sunday, September 23, 2007

Made roti canai yesterday for dinner. Or rather, tried to. The dough was simple enough. Just the shaping of the roti itself that was wanting. After perving a couple of Indian guys doing it on youtube, I tried following as closely as I could to flatten out the dough, but somehow they seem to fold on itself all the time. Grrr.... in the end, it was a case of flipping it until it stretched out a little and then pressing it down with fingers to get it thin as possible. Not thin enough it seems, since after cooking it was still rather dense, though the basic taste was there. But at least I now appreciate the skill that is involved in their making. Wonder how many balls of dough did they have to go through to hone their skill to perfection?? It seems that the dough is rather unforgiving. Make a mistake and that's it, the fibres or whatever it is gets irreversibly disrupted and becomes no longer smooth :S .... But considering how long it's been since I've had some, I'm not complaining. My lousy skills are enough to satisfy whatever cravings I have. Yum yum yum... that I forgot to bother about photos, and when puppy reminded me, I couldn't be bothered to -_-"' (Note to self: *Never will I make the stupid mistake of not going home end of the year now, wether I'm moving cities or not... my teeth have proved things as much*)

Rehearsal was this afternoon. Turns out that the stage isn't as big as I thought it would be. It fits the front row of dancers well enough all right, but the second row had to take on a different formation, with Sh and I at the sides taking a slight backwards position. Hopefully with the actual fans there'll be enough fans as well. Lots of other stuff to keep in mind as well, just so that both rows will form out evenly on stage. As Q puts it, 'keeping the good shape' ;) ! Hopefully the lighting will work as we hope it will then, otherwise whatever plans we came up with will be wasted as well. Funny how the people in charge of the auditorium could forget to unlock the sound and light systems, it's certainly very inconvenient as we had to count while running through the dance to figure out what adjustments we would need, and having had the music to guide us all this while, counting doesn't really come very naturally to me :S (not to mention that the place is costs a good 950 bucks for the four hours it is booked for! *gulp* I certainly hope Kwon will wring out of them free extra bookings from them in compensation)!

Weather today has been really shit too. It rain practically non-stop until late afternoon, just before puppy and I set out for home so that I could collect my fans for the dance rehearsal. And even then it drizzled occasionally. Ugh. Poor Bm was pratically freezing as she walked with us to and from the auditorium! Despite the horrid weather, Sh was certainly in the mood for photos and we got quite a good few with the cherry blossoms in full bloom on the way back. And lucky me as well that when we had to walk back to retrieve Sh's umbrella, it was still there. I wonder if my legs will be fast enough when it comes to escaping her when she's in a killing mood.

Recollecting the thanksgiving session the other day, I think I didn't feel too upset or disappointed that less than half stayed to listen to us (it may be voluntary, but considering the effort we put in, and the fact that I made an effort to be all alert so that I made 0 mistakes, a little appreciation of our music would have been very welcome) and even less paying proper attention right until the very end was because there was at least one person in the audience that I know would be listening and appreciating our music. I guess it's the little details that matter the most in the end. One does not need a huge audience sitting in front, one and only one appreciative and attentive listener is all that is needed to make a difference.

Reflecting on that, I think I am partly the sort of person that takes things for granted at times (and not to mention enjoy being a source of annoyance as well I guess) and when I do think about things afterwards do I realise how important little gestures are to me, but by then it's been quite some time ago that bringing them up again would seem odd and out of place. Perhaps I should thinking about things at the point where things are occuring?? So that I don't miss out on being thankful and happy and letting people around me know as well??

I think I'll find big woman sometime tomorrow and ask about my attendance instead. I doubt if Mr. Trying-hard-to-be-bigger-than-he-think-he-is actually knows what he is talking about. And I think I would rather kill a kitten (not literally!) than actually seek him out to explain things (not that he'll want to hear what I have to say about what I think his tutes are anyway) for I'm no idiot he can push around (the hell, we students pay his paycheck!) and it's about time he learns manners (talking about that, a Mr. Piggy back home can learn a thing or two about it as well... don't mind me, I just feel like ranting still) and that threats can backfire.

Arrgh... can't post up the photo I took. Will try tomorrow or later then.

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