Friday, September 21, 2007

Took this photo up above. Loved it so much, and getting to know my camera better now has only made me love it all the more. One good thing about this is that I tend to notice all the small little flowers these days and appreciate how different they all are, even if they look about the same at first glance. Took some photos as well of the flowering cherry tree just outside the dent school today. Been meaning to for some time, it looks so beautiful with the gazillion of flowers it has but somehow only got around to it just this afternoon.

Went by the dentist this morning as well. Got the bottom molar done at last. At first we thought we could do without anaesthetic, but turns out that that was not to be. Halfway while drilling, it started to get very uncomfortable and we had to stop while the dentist gave me the injection. Somehow injections in my mouth never seem to hurt as much as I think it should, considering how sensitive the area is (compare that to all those I've had in my arms where somehow they always hurt way waaaay more :S!), though I would be lying if I said it didn't feel slightly uncomfortable. Better than potentially having to go through what mumiak once told me as butt-raising-off-the-chair pain though!

Had only one lecture this morning. The other two before and after it were cancelled unfortunately, which did make attending the lecture seem rather silly. The clinical demo was quite interesting... and gruesome in a way. It was melanoma and the lecturer doing the demo was only too happy to include lots of scary pics of them melanoma spots and the effects and what not. It reminds me a lot of the programme I watched once when mumiak was here, though the patient that came along today was (of course) alive and currently appears to be free of it. So I guess there can be good endings as well, and having scarred and hence shortened calf muscles mean you would more or less prefer to wear high heels because flats will make you hobble seem not to bad as well, especially since Sh said she looked real elegant. It's only after lectures like this that I remember how much I like my natually 'tanned' skin, which unfortunately have been progressively bleached *cry*.

During dance practice today I learnt that *** Reddy threatened to fail me on terms for not showing up to his tutes. *TMD* I say. I've been attending tutorials, just not his and I've been signing off on their rolls already. I guess I'll have to check with the 'big lady', as Sh puts it. Who this 'big lady' is, I don't really have the foggiest idea. Okay, so it now is a lie. Puppy just reminded me who it is. That, or it'll have to be the witch I have to contend with. I'm wondering if I want to seek out this annoying Mr R as he asked (poor Lis had to be the messanger), partly because it's 'courtesy'... though I'm not too sure if I'm in the mood to be courteous. Grrr... we'll see who I can find come next week then. May I be boiling enough so that I don't just turn on that stupid asian smile and try to be let's-all-be-happy. Only orang gila would want to go to that guy's tutes, considering how he teaches. If you don't know your stuff, you shouldn't teach. And if you know that fellow can't teach, then you shouldn't employ him. Big shots up there need a good slap and knock on their heads, and he needs a reality check. Grrr. Mano-mano is not happy. Mano-mano demands blood payment to cool her down now. Grrrr.

Can't wait for tomorrow. 10 balls of dough sitting in my fridge. 10 balls waiting to be shaped and pan-fried. Yumm... Sigh, why on earth did I try to be smart and say to go home next year? Why on earth did I even bother choosing to move out when I could stay put and not worry about moving then -_-"'... now I've to recreate myself whatever I want to stuff down my trap. Dang. Not that knowing or thinking this makes a difference to my impatience right. Hopefully the shaping will come out right. Hopefully I don't coat my kitchen walls with dough... mmmm...

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