Thursday, June 05, 2008

Things have been so-so lately. I've sent in a half and roughly done haoura write up. Not much good it seems as yet since P would be away until the next tute, which means I could have just forgotten about it until then and not bothered walking all the way there to get it in. *sweat* Saw Prof S today on the way down from the museum after pathology and good news, so far my draft for the long case looks good. ^^ More good news? I don't need to redo the abdo exam during the next core skills session. Apparently Prof A discussed it with Prof F and they cancelled it, including those who failed. Turns out we unfortunates ran out of time. Lol. Bugger with intro to fake patients I say and those stupid obs from the end of the bed. It's going to be a normal person lying there, why should I bother -_-"'.

Holidays are coming up around the corner. Not really much planned. Apart from doing cooking to fatten up my worm (and maybe do some fishing at the end of the holidays), and stuffing my stinky pet sock in the worm's face to share in the joy of all things smelly, making worm slave away doing my laundry, tidying my room, making my bed, blah blah blah. Lol. And maybe start on the darned ethics essay due in a month or so. Arrgh. I've done one for surg, one for HCE, and now another for the PD thread?! Sigh.

Examining a patient today to do my short case on gave me one example of where it might not be a good idea to resuscitate at all costs. She didn't look too bad at the moment, apart from the fact that she's here for rehab for her fractured neck of femur. But on talking to her, I found out that she's been finding herself more and more fatigued, for a good part of the day now she finds herself so tired she just sleeps. She would sleep about 15 hours a day according to her. Worse in the past few months or so, but creeping on since 15 years ago. Her cardiac output is bad since she gets angina and chest pain. She's sick of it, and says the sooner it comes, the better for her. She certainly isn't depressed at the moment, and she's certainly competent. It's a little sad to hear her say that though listening to her, one has to agree with her almost. And Mr S has been diagnosed as dying. Meds stopped. Comfort cares. Looked really gone yesterday but perked up a little after a good dose of frusemide was given before the decision to withdraw was given. Only thing I can think of is how does it feel to have had a laryngectomy and not be able to talk like others and having to learn of new ways to speak (not that I've ever heard him speak either).

I wonder why I can't even stay awake long enough for a half hour lecture these days when I used to go for a good three hours or more at Colquhoun?? I like to think it's because I'm working hard. But I doubt it. If anything, I'm probably lazier. Or does laziness makes a person sleepier? I'm sleepy. Going to wake up early to catch the social worker to chat to him tomorrow. Time to sleep now.

And home visit was cancelled on me this morning for the second time now. Grrr. Re-scheduled to this coming monday afternoon. Arrrgh. They better not make me re-schedule again. It's hard to make plans that way.

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