Monday, June 02, 2008

Internet is slowed down again... and will probably be like that for the next few days to weeks? Arrrgh!

Queen's birthday today. Work started from 9am until 3pm. Wasn't too bad today, moderate amount of people coming in through the door, though a good part were scripts. The happiest moment was when I sold a bottle of Audiclean. Yes! Printed out a second receipt and chucked it into the staff incentive bag. Hopefully at the end of the incentive period I'll get an extra dollar for it. Sounds sad. A dollar. Lol. Must try to sell more. Sold one once, but then didn't realise I had to print out the receipt though and now it's too long ago so that's one lost now. All this while on the staff progress sheets I've been making about 300+ in sales. Somehow it's hard to imagine having sold that much, so for the first time I made note of it, and so it was. Got to about 330+ in sales. Can't imagine how that built up. And since the witch-hunt for people not checking their areas of responsibility for outdated goods is still ongoing, I've gone through mine quite thoroughly, and a bit of the other areas as well. Chucked out quite a bit more expired goods. Mostly eye drops, moisturising creams and some facial scrubs. Short dated ones I found were mostly from the 'bowel' area.... mainly metamucil products essentially. Couple of benefiber bottles. Lol.

Still ongoing with the maori project. I've no idea how to classify some of the stuff she's told me. Which question should they go under?? I guess a trip to Mihi would be in place sometime soon to get it straightened out.

Been looking through some cake decorating ideas. The two that I'm itching to try out and play with are plastic chocolate (or is it chocolate plastic? :S) and MM fondant. They look really exciting. And I'm still looking through for cake recipes that I can make into my mainstay recipe. Currently it's the chocolate wacky cake recipe on the back of the chocolate melts bag. Wonder why they call it mud cake though when it clearly is based on a wacky cake recipe. Vinegar and baking soda. *shrug* Found one recipe that I've yet to try and make though. Perhaps this weekend if I'm motivated enough.

Can't wait for Friday. Want to try and make those treasure egg bags thingy. Sounds more elegant than what it actually is. Heh. Eggs. Got 15 sitting in my room and 12 in the fridge. Yes, it's sad. My pantry space is so limited that I'm resorting to using my room as storage.

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