Sunday, March 30, 2008

Highlights of this week:

Putting a line in an old woman during my acute day and actually getting it right the first time round and causing her minimal pain.

Using the vacutainer method to draw blood twice without missing (though the second time I had some problems keeping my hand steady and some air leaked into the vial).

Using the butterfly to draw blood twice as well. I must say even though the vial filling rate is rather constipated with this method, I really love this one better than the vacutainer because the needle is just smaller, hence my being more confident of not missing and making the process less painful.

Receiving a bright beautiful sunflower. It's the sun in my room at the moment.

Being hugged and being told that I'm dear to someone.

Meeting up with Jie jie for lunch today and seeing her after so long. She promised to take me on an hour and a half walk to the sign of the takahe, wherever that is actually. And to show me her
new toilet and bathroom when it's finished renovating.

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