Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Our ward rounds have gotten very short now. There isn't any on W16 (and that's supposed to be our 'home' ward too :S!) but since that was where our team usually met before starting, TI, M and I were all waiting there this morning waiting and waiting and waiting for the others to turn up. It was purely by chance we looked into the next ward down the corridor and spotted the reg that we realised that they had practically done the round already. *sweat* (and surprisingly my reg actually understands what I mean when I draw the big sweat drop by my side of the head in response to something he said. Think it was something to do with his over-obsession with Arsenal and football). Only patient left that hadn't been seen was Dr M's new patient who had Cushing's syndrome. It was a good chance to observe some of the features of Cushings, though not all. There was the mood changes, easy bruising, truncal obesity, peripheral wasting, buffalo hump, lethargy and so on. She didn't get any striae or moon-face features though. She actually didn't really look what you would expect a Cushing's patient to look like, considering all the pictures we get bombarded with in second and third year. I found it quite easy to explain the disease more or less to the patient as well which made me feel kinda happy. Using simple normal everyday terms too. ^^ Didn't get to watch the operation which was scheduled that afternoon though because Dr W went on to have his outpatients clinic (with a broken arm and torn tendon? :S!!!!).

He came for the student teaching this morning as well and went through some little bits about history taking, though focussed mostly on RUQ pain. I quite like the way he teaches, and I do appreciate him coming in despite his injuries. And as said earlier, he attended the afternoon clinic as well. Good for the patients of course. I'm not blind to the good of being a workaholic of course. A good role model for a student of course as suggested by someone. Though I do wonder how much does it get before one qualifies as a workaholic? For one I remember wanting my own nanny to be home when office hours are supposed to be finished. I remember resenting patients calling up home as well because I don't want to share my parents after hours. Thinking about it now, is there anyone as selfish as me out there? Personally, while I find acute days to be a good learning experience, I don't really like staying at the hospital doing 'work/ study' for so long. It's almost like when it comes to acute days I don't have a life of my own. A one off weekday is fine of course. But I'm half dreading the weekend acute a little. And I can't make myself not go to any of the days because I'm only having a little over two weeks now on this run (as well as having to find to subjects for my two reports eeeps!!!!). Isssh.

I got rejected today as well. By a patient. I was hoping to take a history and maybe do a breast examination, but barely had I stepped in through the door, the nurse told me that the patient had specifically requested that there be no students attending to her. Sweat. Back out the door and off goes reg to do it instead. Not exactly happy but whatever. I guess this being the first time this has happened it took me completely by surprise.

Nurse Maude wound care clinic tomorrow morning at 8. Will have to wake up super early and bus there. Hopefully it won't be as ... funky ... as TI puts it lol.

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