Friday, July 20, 2007

First lecture of the day? Pharmacology of sex hormones. Not sure of the significance of this lecture, but I'm certainly not too happy at being dragged out of bed for such a ... [*worthless*] lecture.

Following lecture was more interesting. Three individuals who are part of PFLAG and of the gay community (one was the mother of a son who gay) were there to share their experiences. One of the interesting comparisons that one of the guys made was that of left-handers, which I think was almost appropriate, except as he had pointed out, was lacking in the degree of social stigma attached to it - I never chose to be left-handed, there's varying degrees to left and right handedness as I realised from my participation in an experiment few years ago now.... though I do remember my mummy clamping her iron grip around my tiny right hand as a child, desperately trying to teach to me write with my right hand so that I will write with my 'right' (as in correct) hand. Mum eventually gave up though and accepted my left-hand writing tendencies... I wonder if the same will happen if I popped this up at the dinner table one day: "mum... I'm gay"?? Turns out as well that the nuns teaching during my mum's childhood were ardent users of the rulers, intent on wreaking pain on the knuckles of any child who proved so deviant as to write with the wrong hand, as I was told some time after. *yeowch*

Other stuff I learnt today:
~ that according to DSM IV, inability to orgasm = dysfunctional. And more than half of females don't during penetrative sex alone. Useless info that will probably float out of my mind into outer space and be lost soon.
~ that the dog I saw humping the floor on youtube some time ago could actually be masturbating as well... *painful smile* [turns out that one of the studies done listed rubbing the penis against the bed was one way for males to masturbate... I'm just *ahem* drawing my own conclusions here]
~ the concept of something as 'dirty' is due to cultural, societal and other influences. There's nothing that is intrinsically dirty. There's no one thing that is classified as dirty across all cultures. [I think sweat is dirty, I think moss is dirty, I think animals that roam around free are dirty, I can't bring myself to eat raw meat unless I've no choice because I think it's dirty, no matter whatever certificates of cleanliness it has... I don't think my bedsheets are dirty if I don't wash them for half a year though *grin*]
~ I'm not the only one who think that my reading for last week was horrid and overly graphic and depressing... apparently the lecturer's anthropology students think so too.

And I've got three more readings to do before next Friday... cross my fingers and hope it's not as bad...

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