Sunday, August 05, 2007

Made some rojak cake on Friday and have used up the remaining flour and margarine, sunflower seeds and ground almonds at last, and also returned the hand mixer and rack back to Sh. So that's one part of the stuff cleared out now. That bag of sugar still looks just as formidable though!

So the pig never came about because D couldn't even get hold of the owner. I wonder why. After 3 voice mails and 5 texts, one would normally expect an answer of some sort at least. I suppose the owner really didn't want his porky to end up as someone's dinner or something LOL. D's round of bad luck continued right into the whole of Saturday. The guys been meaning to have a good round of Diablo together, but instead poor D had to spend the whole afternoon and night trying to set up the game on his laptop. The others enjoyed themselves quite a lot too. Someone who wasn't keen on the game at first appeared to be overjoyed, screaming, shrieking and laughing non-stop (wonder if my ear-drums are still intact!). Diablo convert now?? Someone elses laptop, being overloaded with stuff decided to not cooperate, though it didn't stop her playing all the same. And poor Q had to do some translation work for Woori today, a whooping 5 pages or so of stuff that she had to translate. Not an easy job as well, for it seems that Koreans use a lot of metaphors (I think that's what it's called) in their 'normal talk', which certainly doesn't translate easily at all into English. I certainly cannot imagine the sort of image the non-Korean speaking congregation would have upon hearing the phrase 'run to heaven'. By the time she was done, Q looked so tired with her eyes barely open, and hair all ruffled.

And for some reason or other, the weather has been really good, except for a few days where it chose to rain of course. But it's weather that's quite uncharacteristic of winter, especially now that it's already early August. Not that I'm gonna complain of course. Hopefully this warm turn of weather lasts until the end of the year then. I can't wait for the day I can't just leave the bulky jacket at home and run about in just one or two layers of clothing.

I've yet to get the return tickets from Melbourne. Haven't really been bothered about it really, partly because they don't fall within the sales period. I will though, just when I'm going to start the application for the visas.

I've cooked dinner for next week as well. Mostly vegetarian and tofu based. Yum yum yum, tofu! And I've still not worked up a good enough reason to splurge on the gluten flour... miss grandma's seitan...

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