Sunday, August 12, 2007

I suppose when one wants to buy stuff, one should consult with experts first. I bought a bar of chocolate at NW sometime earlier this week at a price close to 3 bucks, and thought to myself then, huh, this is cheap. Fastforward to yesterday afternoon, a trip to CD proved me wrong, for the same bar was being sold at just 2 bucks. ~ToT~ Sigh. I promise myself, next time, when I'm gonna get chocolates, I'm gonna get Sh to come along, even if I'll have to tie her up and carry her along. Sigh. Lesson learnt I suppose.

If only my salted eggs would look like these...

It being close to a month now since the little eggs were put into their little coatings of salt, I thought it would be good to have some of them with porridge for dinner yesterday. Didn't turn out quite like I hoped it would. For one, it's chicken eggs that I'm using, not Madame Duckie's of course. And it's certainly by the conventional method that commercial salted eggs are made with. And would using sake instead of Shao Xing wine make a difference? I don't know. So how did it came out then? For one, the whites are quite well salted, though slightly less salty than commercial ones... I think, but well enough to make me happy. The yolk however was a different thing altogether. It was hardly salted, that eating it alone I barely tasted any saltiness to it. And this is where Madame Duckie's eggs beats Mrs Cluckie's, and not just in size, but also in terms of how much fat there is in the yolk. Mine didn't acheive that beautiful orangey red colour, except a light tinge of it around the rim. Sigh. Next time, I shall try it with brine then. Sighs.

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