Thursday, August 09, 2007

After yesterday night, I'm still somewhat feeling somewhat flabbergasted. Some I didn't anticipate, some I guess was already somewhat obvious since some time ago.

Grr... all my worrying and planning is somewhat wasted I guess. Perhaps I should reconsider those uni flats near the hospital then. Sigh. Which isn't altogether a really bad thing perhaps, since it's something easier to settle than to search for some other form of lodging. I doubt if my choice of clinical school can be changed now, seeing as it's a case of people being balloted out from Wellie into Chch and Dud. Not that Wellie would have proven to be a much better choice I guess. But I prefer to be closer than further. For one, it's purely a sentimental thing, secondly bus trips are certainly cheaper than flights. But nothing is confirmed yet, so I guess I'll sit tight and see how things pan out.

I know that I do practise double standards of course, but then perhaps some things that I do have double standards for didn't appear to be obvious to me until yesterday either. What some people do with their lives or chose to have in their lives can only be considered of interest and no more than that. But when it comes to people whom I love most and care a lot about, it does. I suppose I'm old-fashioned in my thinking in some ways, as Wormy accused me of yesterday, but then for crying out loud, the person in question is someone I care about! Of course I'll be putting my guards up! But then am I being a wee bit silly and being over-protective I wonder? Wonder what sort of reaction I'll be witness to soon?? I'm somewhat curious as well.

Last dissection for the thorax area today. I'm quite pleased at how it went actually, in that I feel like we've covered at least most or all of the steps involved (not all unfortunately, since some of the structures were already lost to previous dissections). After that, I couldn't really be bothered looking at the prosections, resorting instead to just standing around and listening to Demonstrator L whizzing throught a few of the slices. Didn't feel like leaving the lab early since there wasn't anywhere to go to before my next SI tute anyway.

p/s Oopsie, burnt my swede chips and pumpkin not as well roasted as I wanted it. Forgot about their difference in sizes -_-"'

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