Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Went to watch Med Revue's Med School Musical. It was hilarious, though the bulk of it was insider jokes... and *ahem* jokes meant for those 18 and above. Personally I think it was quite a good night of entertainment overall (the band was quite good, the vocalist had a good voice, the order of acts flowed, more or less, smoothly, if one doesn't mind that there isn't much to the main story and that the show was bulked up by funny stuff in between), but I think they could probably cut down on the cruelty factor.

Yes. Cruelty factor. It's funny (we're still kids, aren't we? still cruel deep down, loving to make fun of the odd one out -_-"') if one doesn't think too much about it, and would be not that bad if it were secret and the persons being 'attacked' weren't going to know about it. But that's not the case. It's like last year's end being played out, albeit simplified. I don't see what's that horrid about 'Pep-Daddy'. Sure, he speaks with a funny accent, but so? It's not like the standard NZ accent is all that great either ('oh hell yeah, look at me... my tone goes up at the end of every sentence'... smaart). His notes are good, and if one cares to pay attention, his lectures aren't that bad (if you fall asleep, who's to blame? If others can keep awake, why not you?). Seems rather cowardly and under-the-belt if you ask me, to attack him as some did last year, and now again this year. Or perhaps I'm being too sensitive? Same with poor lil N.D. And what the heck is up with some people? Calling demonstrator L queen/ mum? Where the hell did that come from? And ok, so she knows her stuff, but so? My impression of her from labs is just so-so, like any other lab demonstrator and lecturer. A tad bossy as well come to think of it. Over-rated if you ask me.

Dissection today was mainly on the heart and the great vessels. Odd that a person can be so skinny and yet have a huge helping of pericardial fat. Scraping it off, my forceps became covered in something that looked sickeningly like cream. Wonder if mine is just like that as well?? *hmm* Got the sleeve of my lab coat covered in some dried up blood as well *eeks* and have to send it for washing. Darn. But just as well I rolled up my hoodie's sleeves, otherwise they would have gotten the worse of it instead. Didn't get a chance to look at any prosections or plastinated slices today, not that I would have wanted to either after that long dissection. It went till quarter to before stream A would be coming in for their turn *faints*.

Weather is still nasty as ever it seems. Worm says she wanna talk about the scholarship papers but didn't specify what. Curious and curiouser. One thought that came to me today as well... how possible is it to hang someone outside the window of the toilet or my room? Jumping out the window here with a hangman's noose well positioned, I betcha a pound of my fat that one'll get a hangman's fracture if anything. Scary...

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