Monday, November 05, 2007

First day of exam today. Funny how that ovulatory cycle thingy which I was thinking and wondering about while trying to get to sleep yesterday night came up. Didn't bother checking, not that it mattered since I remembered how it went more or less anyway. But overall it wasn't too bad. I finished with half an hour or so to spare. Managed to go through some of my answers to the first few questions and was just in time to correct one glaring error. Nearly bonked myself on the head for writing such rubbish!

Funny how everyone appeared happy today before the exam. Go back one year and a little and everyone was just nervous and nothing close to being happy. Perhaps after such an extended period everyone is just tired and just want to be over with it. For the past few days I've probably been playing more on the laptop than I've had in the whole year (not food blog perving, just playing). It's gotten to the point where I'm just sick of studying properly already. Though having just sat the exam, it's like I've gotten a boost and I'm kinda wishing it'll be tomorrow and day after just so I can finish asap.

Another thing I noticed some days before this, how different perceptions between people can be. One of my friends counts down to the first day of the exams. The only thing that matters to another is the last day of the exam. Wonder if there's a difference to this??

Didn't get to talk with the rest of the family yesterday. Considering I told them to come earlier this week when I last talked to them and yet everyone came online at 10pm as usual makes me annoyed somewhat. *shrug* Though not necessarily a bad thing, for goodness knows how long it would take and that I need to get to bed early yesterday night anyway.

Hopefully my stuff does get sold soon. J showed interest in them when I told her today. It's almost unbelievable, the first person I decided to randomly tell about it was looking for furniture as well. Hm... almost too good to be true. Though she's looking for another single bed too so I guess I might ask around as well slightly later in the week or something.

Played a game of go-stop before running off to the exam as well. Never has there been in the history of go-stop playing a game as lucky as this. There were sa's, there were deck clearing, there were chucking and flipping exactly what came out. And right throughout the whole game. Though we never counted the marks for that one, since after the first few go's it was just too funny and too hard to keep track of.

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