Friday, November 16, 2007

So most of people have left Dnd now (even Chyi's gone off to Chch for the weekend!!), I'm left alone to entertain myself. Just as well there's the internet, and the internet, and the internet, and this new site that I found Free Rice where I entertain myself through the day when I'm not motivated to go out and do something constructive (which is basically almost the whole day lately... I should really get my bum moving but... meh).

The weather here has been really crappy. Seems like summer has regressed into early winter to me. I'm starting to regret giving Jess the heater, but then again, it's not like I'm going to really use it anyway while I'm around so I guess she might as well still have it. I'm chirpy enough with my electric blanket *huggies my electric blanket*. But seriously, with the skies cloudy and gloomy like it's got an exam tomorrow and unpredictable bouts of rain in between, the temperature in my room (the trees blocking quite a bit of sunlight from getting in through my window doesn't help) reminds me of winter setting in. Perhaps it's getting everyone ready for a real white Xmas? Not that I'm ungrateful, but two winters in a year, no thank you very much.

So unmotivated I am that I've still yet to finish my letter to grandma, or checked out the cost for travel insurance or decide wether I'm going to do anything about that last tooth or get exercising or .. or.. or... or... or... I did however managed to snag a few good photos of some flowers. The one above was taken sometime last month actually. I've yet to download the new batch of photos onto my laptop off the camera. That reminds me, I've got to recharge the batteries too if I want to take more photos of the textile exhibition at the museum.

One more week to go before I need to start packing again to go up to Chch. Perhaps I should start packing up everything else this weekend. I need someone with a whip to slavedrive me into doing work....

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