Friday, November 23, 2007

Practically had all my meals from outside today. This morning's breakfast was at Caper's with Miss Cheeky. Yeah... cheeky!! They had a new flavour, a spring special - passionfruit and lemon. Whoohoo and lucky us that we were there. Yum yum yum... I should just forget about ever being skinny, not when I love food this much. Pancakes soft and fluffy, just perfect for breakfast. And just so to make their patrons feel less guilty, they sandwich a fruit salad between the two pancakes. Seriously though, with us both sharing one full sized one, we actually lasted until about 3 in the afternoon even before thinking about food again. And even then we weren't exactly hungry... just naughty lol!

After that it was a case of sunning the bedding and what not. Suprisingly dry and sunny morning for what was forecasted to be a cloudy wet day. -_-"' We even postponed our trip to the beach because of it. Sigh. Not that it's a bad thing though, since I've got started on a second load of laundry again and a blanket. And a couple more things to pack and deciding what to bring along with me to Chch and Oz over the next few days and I should be set to go I think. Arrgh... thinking about having to do packing makes me wanna bite someone. Or something. Don't think I wanna bite Chyi, since she's going to dye her hair red tomorrow and biting her seems like I'm inviting danger (red= danger, blood, gore !!!) and considering what I'm planning to do for a career in future, I should learn to value my health more. Lol.

Finally finished The Undomestic Goddess today. Been with me for half a year since swiping it from sis now and I never really bothered to read it through until now. Quite interesting, though how someone can actually get to late twenties without ever learning how to even make a bed or dust really baffles me. Is there actually anyone like that out there actually? It's funny and yet pathetic and so sad that it makes me wanna weep. But for chicklit, I guess it's quite good. I quite like Kinsella's style of writing (for one thing, it takes very little brain power to read, and hence makes for enjoyable reading times - holiday = brain resting time, kekeke).

Went looking around for a pair of pants today as well. Just felt like it. At least it breaks the monotony of looking at the laptop non-stop, which I'm wont to do if nothing else takes my interest. Not that I actually am enjoying myself looking at the laptop, it's just that I'm still too lazy to continue on with my packing (procrastinating is something I have a PhD in dearie!) and too lazy to do anything else but sit on my arse straining my eyes to while away another day of my life. Though I promise, I promise myself I'm going to seriously do some packing tomorrow (how many of these have I made in the past few days and not keep??)...

Chyi's confirmed that she'll be graduating now (how is it I knew that was going to happen even before she even told me?? duh) and had results that was above the requirement for doing a masters. Waah. I wanna graduate too. I feel like I'm about to start another degree without actually even having graduated with one... I wanna wear a graduation gown! And that cap too *though it looks like crap to me*! And I'm typing all this because I'm bored! Wahoo!

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