Sunday, November 25, 2007

'I see dumb people o_O' by cool_slayer

Yeah, no kidding. I'm a winner alright *whoopededoo!*. Lookee what I got in my mailbox today *insert double big sweat thing smiley here*.

Yeah right. Very believable. If you want me to have that money so badly then use a more professional look, ok? And put in some freakin' effort to build up a story that I would believe about your donation and what not. Who the hell would believe in that crock of shit there written in English when the foundation is Italian?? 0_o"' And why would an idiot called Mr. Isah Nurudin (fcuk lah, use an Italian name too... why the hell would a Nurudin be working for an Italian foundation out of the blue?? Use a name listed on the website-lah you numskull!)
Please-lah, what lame-o 'foundation' gives out that much money to a poor sad student in Dud who's sole aspiration in life right now is to bite her sis's thumb and munch on a pupiak and who's up till now never heard of the foundation (or should I launch into a theory of some big brother who's got my contact details and brain workings filed up somewhere? *sweat*)? And for goodness sake, what sort of form is that? And next of kin?? What do you need that for? What on earth can anyone fill in there either? Stooopid. I feel sorry for your cerebral capacity Mr. Isah Nurudin and I, the ever-kind Mano-Mano, feel ashamed on your mum and dad's behalf that they could sire an anencephalic homo stupidus profoundus. *wipes a tear* [end of rant].

And I've finally finished packing. The final size of all the boxes together is about 1 m3, more or less. What the heck?! Even after I've junked so much?! Even after I'm setting aside that whole box of bedding that would be given off once the nuts come down?! How can this be? Even after I've chucked some at pupiak too! *ahhhhhh.... faints*

Bored as usual down here. I'm missing classes now. Gimme an exam too! I don't mind! Being bored is even more stressful! The internet is getting a bit boring. Youtube is running out of interesting stuff. I laughed enough over the stuff at Videojug. Eeps.

For the first time in donkey years I've had a dream. Odd. Usually my brain just goes dead at night and can't be bothered to give me any live entertainment. Not that it was a great one. I doubt having fuel/gas tanks going kaboom opposite your house counts as nice. But so random.

Bought a pizza french loaf at NW today too. I've run out of bread now and having more Weetbix with peanut butter for lunch (after I had it this morning) is boring. And I'll have to finish up my noodle soup concoction (mmm... seaweed!) and then I'll start boiling up the green beans and hopefully finish that over two days or so. Ho ho ho.

Now that I've run out of things to type about, I shall now publish this post and close this window.

p/s I've just downloaded this track too. Beautiful by Late Night Alumni. Beautiful...

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