Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pictures from Chyi's camera from St. Clair Beach. Somehow the first picture looks almost tropical, like those you get only in mags. *ahhhhh!!! so beautiful!!!!! I like I like!!!*

Went out for lunch with Q today at Asian. It's amazing how cheap the food there is during lunchtime. Same stuff as for dinner, just loads cheaper. And despite the smaller and more typical sort of menu for lunchtime, there are still quite a few gems there. Mm... and talked quite a bit too... so that lunch took around two hours! Lol! And who would think that it's possible to get a hedgehog infestation in the middle of town?? Apparently the hedgehogs in their garden are chomping up Hero's and Dance's meals every day and there's two caught so far after D's left for work overseas... eeps!

Brought XL's bed down together with Chyi to Cash Convertors earlier today as well. It was easier than I had thought it would be, considering how much trouble it was to manouveur the darn thing last time. The pair of us must have been quite a sight, with a single bed between us walking down the street to the shop. It was rather packed as well in there, and so we had to 'park' the bed in the main part of the shop rather than bring it in into the trading area. Just as well the guy bought it, for I think Chyi and I would certainly throw a fit and do a Taz devil destruction combo if they rejected it!

Paid the power bill today too. Was holding off paying the telephone bill until later so that I could pay both the telephone and power bill together. And the power bill came one day after I decided to just pay the telephone bill. Sigh. And it was quite a bit more than I had expected though then again it was based on an estimate. I've no idea what the actual reading is either since I haven't checked, but that can wait until later once I lock up and leave the place for the last time next month.

And as we had promised to do, Chyi and I dropped by Lone Star for desserts! Yum Yum! But just as well I decided to not have dinner beforehand. The cheesecake I had was big, humongous! Never had I 1/8 of such a tall cake too! Nice, but it got a bit too rich. Now very full.. hoo hoo hoo! At least it's staved off my crazy cake cravings for probably quite some time now.

Sitting here at my laptop, I realised I forgot to add that there's one other common sound I hear throughout the day. The sound of big bugs like bumblebees crashing headlong into my glass windows. LOL! Quite a loud bump they make as well every time they do that. Silly things. I know better than to open my windows now too, especially the last time when I had to recycle one. Heh heh.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

'I see dumb people o_O' by cool_slayer

Yeah, no kidding. I'm a winner alright *whoopededoo!*. Lookee what I got in my mailbox today *insert double big sweat thing smiley here*.

Yeah right. Very believable. If you want me to have that money so badly then use a more professional look, ok? And put in some freakin' effort to build up a story that I would believe about your donation and what not. Who the hell would believe in that crock of shit there written in English when the foundation is Italian?? 0_o"' And why would an idiot called Mr. Isah Nurudin (fcuk lah, use an Italian name too... why the hell would a Nurudin be working for an Italian foundation out of the blue?? Use a name listed on the website-lah you numskull!)
Please-lah, what lame-o 'foundation' gives out that much money to a poor sad student in Dud who's sole aspiration in life right now is to bite her sis's thumb and munch on a pupiak and who's up till now never heard of the foundation (or should I launch into a theory of some big brother who's got my contact details and brain workings filed up somewhere? *sweat*)? And for goodness sake, what sort of form is that? And next of kin?? What do you need that for? What on earth can anyone fill in there either? Stooopid. I feel sorry for your cerebral capacity Mr. Isah Nurudin and I, the ever-kind Mano-Mano, feel ashamed on your mum and dad's behalf that they could sire an anencephalic homo stupidus profoundus. *wipes a tear* [end of rant].

And I've finally finished packing. The final size of all the boxes together is about 1 m3, more or less. What the heck?! Even after I've junked so much?! Even after I'm setting aside that whole box of bedding that would be given off once the nuts come down?! How can this be? Even after I've chucked some at pupiak too! *ahhhhhh.... faints*

Bored as usual down here. I'm missing classes now. Gimme an exam too! I don't mind! Being bored is even more stressful! The internet is getting a bit boring. Youtube is running out of interesting stuff. I laughed enough over the stuff at Videojug. Eeps.

For the first time in donkey years I've had a dream. Odd. Usually my brain just goes dead at night and can't be bothered to give me any live entertainment. Not that it was a great one. I doubt having fuel/gas tanks going kaboom opposite your house counts as nice. But so random.

Bought a pizza french loaf at NW today too. I've run out of bread now and having more Weetbix with peanut butter for lunch (after I had it this morning) is boring. And I'll have to finish up my noodle soup concoction (mmm... seaweed!) and then I'll start boiling up the green beans and hopefully finish that over two days or so. Ho ho ho.

Now that I've run out of things to type about, I shall now publish this post and close this window.

p/s I've just downloaded this track too. Beautiful by Late Night Alumni. Beautiful...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Practically had all my meals from outside today. This morning's breakfast was at Caper's with Miss Cheeky. Yeah... cheeky!! They had a new flavour, a spring special - passionfruit and lemon. Whoohoo and lucky us that we were there. Yum yum yum... I should just forget about ever being skinny, not when I love food this much. Pancakes soft and fluffy, just perfect for breakfast. And just so to make their patrons feel less guilty, they sandwich a fruit salad between the two pancakes. Seriously though, with us both sharing one full sized one, we actually lasted until about 3 in the afternoon even before thinking about food again. And even then we weren't exactly hungry... just naughty lol!

After that it was a case of sunning the bedding and what not. Suprisingly dry and sunny morning for what was forecasted to be a cloudy wet day. -_-"' We even postponed our trip to the beach because of it. Sigh. Not that it's a bad thing though, since I've got started on a second load of laundry again and a blanket. And a couple more things to pack and deciding what to bring along with me to Chch and Oz over the next few days and I should be set to go I think. Arrgh... thinking about having to do packing makes me wanna bite someone. Or something. Don't think I wanna bite Chyi, since she's going to dye her hair red tomorrow and biting her seems like I'm inviting danger (red= danger, blood, gore !!!) and considering what I'm planning to do for a career in future, I should learn to value my health more. Lol.

Finally finished The Undomestic Goddess today. Been with me for half a year since swiping it from sis now and I never really bothered to read it through until now. Quite interesting, though how someone can actually get to late twenties without ever learning how to even make a bed or dust really baffles me. Is there actually anyone like that out there actually? It's funny and yet pathetic and so sad that it makes me wanna weep. But for chicklit, I guess it's quite good. I quite like Kinsella's style of writing (for one thing, it takes very little brain power to read, and hence makes for enjoyable reading times - holiday = brain resting time, kekeke).

Went looking around for a pair of pants today as well. Just felt like it. At least it breaks the monotony of looking at the laptop non-stop, which I'm wont to do if nothing else takes my interest. Not that I actually am enjoying myself looking at the laptop, it's just that I'm still too lazy to continue on with my packing (procrastinating is something I have a PhD in dearie!) and too lazy to do anything else but sit on my arse straining my eyes to while away another day of my life. Though I promise, I promise myself I'm going to seriously do some packing tomorrow (how many of these have I made in the past few days and not keep??)...

Chyi's confirmed that she'll be graduating now (how is it I knew that was going to happen even before she even told me?? duh) and had results that was above the requirement for doing a masters. Waah. I wanna graduate too. I feel like I'm about to start another degree without actually even having graduated with one... I wanna wear a graduation gown! And that cap too *though it looks like crap to me*! And I'm typing all this because I'm bored! Wahoo!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another picture of a flower I took. This one is from the some plant along Heriot Row that I chanced by sometime in September. I'm quite pleased with it actually, how the main flower stands out very well and that there's this second flower, smaller and slightly blurry to add depth to the picture but not enough to detract attention from the main one. Somehow this isn't always easy to acheive with my digital camera since I can't actually control the focus myself. But still *gushes with pride*... anyway, enough of my self-trumpery.

I've finally found this song that I've been searching for quite some time now. It's from Quest for Camelot and like the poster, I agree, there's something about this guy's voice that's nice. Not to say the song isn't great either. Yipee! Now to turn up the volume and enjoy myself :D! I Stand Alone from Quest from Camelot.

p/s I dragged myself out yesterday to ask about the travel insurance. Have yet to finish the letter to grandma. Visited the cash convertors shop this afternoon to sell that ironing board I never used but they said to come back Monday. Grr... murder them all. Lol!

double p/s whoopee... I found another that I've been looking for so long since I lost my Chanticleer CD!! :D! This is certainly my lucky day! Dulaman by Chanticleer

Friday, November 16, 2007

So most of people have left Dnd now (even Chyi's gone off to Chch for the weekend!!), I'm left alone to entertain myself. Just as well there's the internet, and the internet, and the internet, and this new site that I found Free Rice where I entertain myself through the day when I'm not motivated to go out and do something constructive (which is basically almost the whole day lately... I should really get my bum moving but... meh).

The weather here has been really crappy. Seems like summer has regressed into early winter to me. I'm starting to regret giving Jess the heater, but then again, it's not like I'm going to really use it anyway while I'm around so I guess she might as well still have it. I'm chirpy enough with my electric blanket *huggies my electric blanket*. But seriously, with the skies cloudy and gloomy like it's got an exam tomorrow and unpredictable bouts of rain in between, the temperature in my room (the trees blocking quite a bit of sunlight from getting in through my window doesn't help) reminds me of winter setting in. Perhaps it's getting everyone ready for a real white Xmas? Not that I'm ungrateful, but two winters in a year, no thank you very much.

So unmotivated I am that I've still yet to finish my letter to grandma, or checked out the cost for travel insurance or decide wether I'm going to do anything about that last tooth or get exercising or .. or.. or... or... or... I did however managed to snag a few good photos of some flowers. The one above was taken sometime last month actually. I've yet to download the new batch of photos onto my laptop off the camera. That reminds me, I've got to recharge the batteries too if I want to take more photos of the textile exhibition at the museum.

One more week to go before I need to start packing again to go up to Chch. Perhaps I should start packing up everything else this weekend. I need someone with a whip to slavedrive me into doing work....

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Nothing much today of note, except for a trip to the museum. We heard from Jo that there was some exhibit on that was featuring tropical butterflies and that it had live butterflies on display. She mentioned as well that they were importing pupaes weekly as well just for that exhibit.

So we went off in the afternoon to have a look see and were at first puzzled as we had no idea what section the exhibit would be in the museum. But there were some other interesting new exhibits on at the moment. One was seasons of indigo, featuring some beautiful textile works by some Japanese woman. It was basically reusing dyed indigo cloth taken from used kimonos and beddings and so on to create all sorts of pieces as expression of the four seasons. I'm surprised by how many pieces there were on display and how intricate each one of them were. Hundreds if not thousands were used just to create each one, and all were sewn together, with decorative stitches as well! I wonder how long it takes that artist just to make one. It was nice to see that there was continuity as well between all the seasons, with recurring themes here and there in some of the pieces. I wonder too how did they managed to bring it all the way from Japan without any of them showing any sign of a wrinkle at all :S... I doubt if the pieces can be washed and ironed. But then, what do I know lol.

The other new exhibit was one on swimsuits from the past. Some of the bikinis and swimwear on display were clearly from the 70s, around mum's sort of era. It was so typical of the sort you see in old mags and adverts from that age lol. And I never thought I would come to realise that men swimwear have undergone undersizing as well. The mens' pieces on display were in short, conservative. They were just like a cross between boxer shorts and normal swimming trunks, waist high (or higher) trunks. It made the model look somewhat stumpy *tee hee*.

After that, we realised that the butterfly exhibit was probably in the discovery world section. There was a student discount on, at 8.50 per person. Didn't really look much at the other stuff, just a bit here and there. There was a one way mirror (turns out it's chromium that does the trick), aquariums, cloud maker, reaction timer blah blah blah. But the most interesting part of the whole thing was the tropical rainforest where the butterflies were kept. Who would have thought that the museum would actually have something like a three storyed hot house. It was 29 degrees in there and a humidity of 60%!! Sure it was as warm as back home, but with such a humidity it was a bit hard to breathe in there almost (slightly exaggerated of course). There was very heavy air traffic in there as T puts it. All sorts and colours of butterflies flew here and there. There were very colourful moths as well. Didn't really bother looking at the icky tarantulas. There were three, and I only had to look into the case with the bird eating one to be put off by it. Hairy fat and ugly. Ewww. Visitors could also look into the quarantine area as well where the pupae that they imported hatched. There was one big moth that was just about ready to up and go it seemed. It's suprising to find out that moths aren't just the usual grey, brown and black winged insects. That one had orangey spots on it and certainly looked more a butterfly if it weren't for the way it kept it wings flat and apart. Some orchids were on display about and around the place, and there was a pond with turtles and gold fish in it. I'm not too sure what sort of rainforest has the latter though :P...

Bought a pomegranate today for fun. T was very surprised by the little red seeds in it. Yummy. Though this is certainly less sweet than the one I had last time. Don't remember the seeds being so prominent either, though crunchy suits me fine (except for the part when a little piece got stuck between my upper molars :( ). T talking about papayas make me want some now as well. With lime thank you very much. Mmmm.... darn, why do fruits cost so much here?! @#^%$*! Bought a few mandarins either, just to break away a little from apples though I probably will start missing them again soon enough.

Monday, November 05, 2007

First day of exam today. Funny how that ovulatory cycle thingy which I was thinking and wondering about while trying to get to sleep yesterday night came up. Didn't bother checking, not that it mattered since I remembered how it went more or less anyway. But overall it wasn't too bad. I finished with half an hour or so to spare. Managed to go through some of my answers to the first few questions and was just in time to correct one glaring error. Nearly bonked myself on the head for writing such rubbish!

Funny how everyone appeared happy today before the exam. Go back one year and a little and everyone was just nervous and nothing close to being happy. Perhaps after such an extended period everyone is just tired and just want to be over with it. For the past few days I've probably been playing more on the laptop than I've had in the whole year (not food blog perving, just playing). It's gotten to the point where I'm just sick of studying properly already. Though having just sat the exam, it's like I've gotten a boost and I'm kinda wishing it'll be tomorrow and day after just so I can finish asap.

Another thing I noticed some days before this, how different perceptions between people can be. One of my friends counts down to the first day of the exams. The only thing that matters to another is the last day of the exam. Wonder if there's a difference to this??

Didn't get to talk with the rest of the family yesterday. Considering I told them to come earlier this week when I last talked to them and yet everyone came online at 10pm as usual makes me annoyed somewhat. *shrug* Though not necessarily a bad thing, for goodness knows how long it would take and that I need to get to bed early yesterday night anyway.

Hopefully my stuff does get sold soon. J showed interest in them when I told her today. It's almost unbelievable, the first person I decided to randomly tell about it was looking for furniture as well. Hm... almost too good to be true. Though she's looking for another single bed too so I guess I might ask around as well slightly later in the week or something.

Played a game of go-stop before running off to the exam as well. Never has there been in the history of go-stop playing a game as lucky as this. There were sa's, there were deck clearing, there were chucking and flipping exactly what came out. And right throughout the whole game. Though we never counted the marks for that one, since after the first few go's it was just too funny and too hard to keep track of.