Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Back from Kch just yesterday. And at Parrotsai's insistence, pics of the glutinous rice dumplings we made (grandma had lots of ground peanut leftover and was anxious we finish it up LOL). And why stop at having chocolate in the dough, stuff them dumplings full of it!

See the two... turtle like things up there... Parrotsai made the flat one. You can very guess who made the other. Like the big-headed overinflated egoistic thing I am, I'm gonna say mine's better, regardless of what mum and grandma says (T_T how can I lose to someone 3 years younger than I am! Don't they know how fragile my ego is?! Don't they know how important it is to keep it intact!!! WAHHHH!!)...

And to those little friends of Parrotsai aka Wormy that happen to visit:
Here's what she made and was anxious that I post it up for your viewing. I swear I have nothing to do with it... Scout's honour!

And we bought cempedak at the Sunday market. Can't remember how much it was for, probably about 2 bucks?? For some reason or other I forgot.... would you believe it? I FORGOT that I didn't quite like this fruit and so sis and I ended up getting it. Fried ones aren't so bad, but raw ones... ugh... I couldn't stomach more than a few pips. No idea how Parrotsai and dad finish up the rest though. *mutters: weirdos :P!*

The dragonfruit that grandma bought.

Tampui. You've got to love the name. I rarely see these on the market though. One whole big bunch for only a buck. Yipee!

Mangosteens. Five for a dollar. No purpley stains on my shirts. As you can probably guess, we've had had an extremely high fibre diet for the last few days. Add on 2 kgs of langsat and the durians and you get the idea.

Oh yes, and I would have been an idiot to not have bananas there as well. Two big bunches for a dollar. No way bananas can get any cheaper than this. Not even in West M'sia.

Parrotsai says I look like a singh. x.X I was trying to be a copy-cat version of the fat octopus caption from Pirates of the Carribean II for crying out loud! Yeah, I know, she's mad. :P

Nana painted this on MY (*ahem* and later, sis's as well -_-"') bedroom wall when I poped out into this world ^^ It's still there!

Two bunch of bananas: RM1
2kgs of langsat: RM3
6 durians: RM 16
Knowing daddy loves you: Priceless

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