Thursday, January 18, 2007

Plum and Pear Still life by Linda Paul

I'm reducing myself to still life here, and probably morphing even as I speak into a pear *gasp in horror at prospect*. Albeit a dry candied one, with the weather here so hot and all. It's odd, and so very hard to reconcile the fact that over in Johr that people are homeless due to too much rain while there are people slowly baking in the overabundance of heat and light in Pen :S

That aside, it's only a matter of days before Parrotsai leaves for Chch. That leaves Bola and I. In the evenings that is. And I alone in the mornings. :( How thrilling. Oh yeah, KL is now Bola. Seeing how calling him KL doesn't seem to get much of a response from him sometimes, and the fact that he answered to Bola almost readily yesterday night... we'll stick to Bola for now I guess ^^ Haha, I guess he could always be grateful I'm not reverting back to Baby *evil grin*

Currently reading It by Stephen King. Slightly more than halfway through now. Pretty interesting story, especially if you're anything like me, with a mild dislike of clowns (their faces are just creepy, especially those big non-stop grins... it's not normal, ok?), a liking for man-eating (more kid than man actually) monsters ^^ and a healthy loony bunch of noodles up there, ready to believe in anything if it sounds half credible. LOL.

By the way, chee cheong fan goes well with curry. Is that cool or what?! This lady down the corner sells them in a chicken curry gravy. Not very spicy, but it does make it seem more like some sort of noodle dish that way. And much better than the thick black sauce that it always seem to come with, though mum would probably beg to differ. Yum yum.

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