Thursday, January 04, 2007

Muahahaa, was thinking that I would be having heaps of problemos trying to upload this little cutie up but it took no longer than normal! ^_^ Has the dreaded ghost of the dead undersea cable finally left us??

Anyways, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone. Durian/ static/ pomelo boy just had to add in 'oh! che che's XX already?!'... yeah yeah, like I need to be told how old I am... GaaAhh... I see wrinkles coming! LOL

Back from the little road trip and from a little visit to Cl's and Sh's. I'm not on the laptop so I'll keep this short so that I don't burn while typing out too much here:

I'm not sure what is still so special about Iph hor-fun because it seems pretty normal to me, but their bean sprouts is something outta this world; I got cheated (through my ke-nong-nong-an, doh!) and climbed all the way up a crazy uneven 300+ steps at Perak Tong/ Pi Li Dong; we found Taiping to be very hot and they need to do something about their lakes in their public gardens >:-O ; you can't find accomodation easily in Tlk Intan close to Xmas day and we finally found the real location of the char-siew stall and bought Parrotsai 10 bucks worth of the char-siew she had been hankering about for ages; we spent Xmas day at Bat Cvs and the Indian temple there, gawd I love their temples! and I oogled heaps at the humongous statue of Lord Vishnu standing guard in front of the steps; went up to Bkt Tinggi and bored ourselves out and immediately evacuated the very next day, only Parrotsai enjoyed the limited number of bunnies at their bunny farm -_-"'; and during all this time we didn't lose our way much and used the old highway too, three cheers for Nana *hip hip hurrah*!; went down to Mlca and stayed with Ee Ee and Parrotsai had a taste of what is to come if she really ever turns into a kiddy jackpot; we made our way to Kelana Jaya as well and big thanks to an Aunty at the petrol kiosk; Cl's Goliku took us for Bakut Teh (mmmm...) and then to Ptrjy (how does he stuff all that info into his head anyway?) where Cl and I walked around the compounds of the mosque there and then her uncle took us for a lovely boat ride ^-^; gosh, someone's place is huge or have I just been too long in Pen now?? and Cl's folks were really nice to us... if only our extended family was as close *i'm jealous!* (oh, and her kakak is one hell of a great cook too!); Sh's quick tour of Seremban left me speechless at (1) how much she knows of her town!! (2) her super-pro driving skills (ga... better beef up my own... wah.. but I don't like driving!), and Srmbn is so cool compared to KL and Pen, and we chanced upon a big lizard taking its sweet time to cross the road and yes, there's something about the little shophouses in Srmbn that reminds me vaguely of Pen, but then the abundance of greenary reminds me lots of Kch as well.. should I tell mum about that place?? hm... ; parents pick up and then a 5 hr drive back up North using the NS highway and that's about it in brief ^^

Went for an interview for a waitressing job yesterday and pulled along sis as well. Had to wait for ages in the lobby just for some guy to finish his lunch! Darn, should have said I could work with the guy forever instead of until Feb for then he practically kicked me out of the office and told me for that short of period, it's impossible to find a job now, and so sis and I were both turned out onto the streets and had to walk home 'cos mum was now on her way to pick up the baby... Good thing we chose the right way home or we would have winded up further away in the wilderness since mum said 'just walk straight ahead'. So now I'll have to find some way to convince mum to still let me sign up for the French classes. Heh heh heh, should I go into *bambi eyes* mode or just threaten to flush Pomelo down the toilet bowl???

Flying back to Kch today and will be cut off until next week. No access to Internet there and can't go out anywhere without grandma :( for fear the (nope, not the Boogeyman) Indo workers would get me. Grahahah, we'll see if Mlcc's Lui Cha beats Kch's, mum already said Kch's better :P! Huggles to everyone!

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