Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Can't seem to add a picture today, so you'll just have to be satisfied with my blah-ings :P

Dropped by student health today. Upon reaching the front desk I told the receptionist that I wanted to see a doctor, or preferably a dermatologist. With her unchanged straight expression, she replied that would I prefer to be referred to the sexual health clinic instead? *huh?* Laughing (why I can't say, I should have been offended rather now that I think of it LOL) I said no, just a doctor for my allergic rash. And without an apology and still with her straight unchanged facial expression, she said I can book you in for a Thursday appointment or would you rather have a nurse see you and decide if you require an earlier appointment. Foolishly thinking that I might pass as a person dying from DIT (someone added this while my back was turned) I said yes, sign me up for a 30 minute wait please. Miss Nurse wasn't convinced and booked me in for a thursday lunchtime appointment. NO!!! I could be dead from my scratching by then, or septicaemia due to bacteraemia secondary to my scratch wounds, or I could have darkened my future prospects by not being to stay awake in class from all my nightly itching episodes. LOL. Sh and Nat weren't impressed with puppy when they heard it... had he been flirting and therefore bringing home STDs? :O

Haven't been writing back to grandma in ages. Wonder if I should tell her about my 'abstinence' from rice. Funny how I haven't developed cravings for it yet. Partly because an even better option is there - corn. Haha. That, along with peanut butter and bread/ hot cross buns and other stuff to fill me up to the brim is basically what I call my usual dinner at the moment. I wonder how healthy that is?? After I'm done with the corn we shall see if rice works with peanut butter then. Everything seems to work well with it so I don't see why not. Kekekeke. Do I boil the rice in peanut butter stock? Or do I mix it in after the rice is cooked? Hmm Hmmm..... at least I know that I have a guinea pig handy to try it out on. Heh heh.

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