Sunday, March 04, 2007

No pics for today. I'm updating from one of the e-stops at central :( ... been a long while since the last post but just wanted to let you know I'm not dead in this little far-flung country, yet LOL! Flat hasn't got it's Internet connection yet unfortunately, and Chyi's signed us up with some obscure company that I've never heard off (yet was present all this while on my never-used eftpos card :S, but heck, I've never used it man, how would I know it was there?!) called Whoosh under their unlimited broadband plan, strings attached of course. Don't really care, as long as I can do my once-weekly skyping.

The three other ladies are in the flat already. I'm beginning to miss having the flat all to myself. For one I can control at least what happens around there. I don't want to have to keep on coming back and then finding that the hot water tap in the bathroom has been left to run all night until there's only cool water left. Twice already, and I don't want to know what sort of hole that's gonna burn in my pockets. Whoever you are, if you are reading this, you know what to do! Notes on the fridge as well.

Nat's birthday was on Monday of this week. Was rather out of ideas what to get for her, and bookworm that she is, she can have more books to chomp on. Just as well puppy helped out with the choosing. Funny how Sh and I reached for the same little book at the same time as well. Hmm... dare I venture with the comment that great minds think alike? *grins*

Q's birthday was a blast. Ambushed her place at midnight with the cheesecake we got off Govrnors. Who would have thought that they would make such great cakes? And that they open well into the night? At least it makes things simpler. Will put up a picture of it soon as well. Omani cooked the birthday dinner that night as well. *jaw drops, drool drips out* This woman is something in the kitchen I tell you, you've just got to envy Q's dad for getting her... though I doubt if she would want to go out with me anyways lol! Not only does she do Korean, she makes fusion seem a piece of cake as well! *claps in admiration*

Chap Goh Mei today. Will be heading over to Cl's for steamboat later in the day. Meat all prepared and marinated yesterday and so has the glutinous rice balls. Only thing left is to get the veggies done but that can be taken care of easily at Cl's place. Haha, and I'll finally get to see how the house is like after the clean-up they did.

Brain dissections twice so far. I'm not sure if it's just my sense of smell is going wacky or something, but during the first one, I'm absolutely certain I smelt something that was exactly like the black vinegar that people like to chuck into those shark-fin soups. Thinking about it now makes me want to gag, especially when I've never liked it all that much in the first place. There's also the ever 'omnipresent' melted margarine smell as usual, and I'm very surprised at how... juicy the dissection was. It wasn't necrotic of course, just plenty of clear juice, unlike that from the body. And there's this sickening crunching sort of sound when you pry the top of the skull off the head.... think the thigh bone being crunched off or wrenched out of its socket when you eat your chicken thigh at KFC... ugh! And golly, someone had just to tell me that the brain had the consistency of tofu, not that it wasn't at the back of my mind since the first second I stuck out my finger and poked at it. Worse still, the path text book just have to mention the same thing as well... it'll be ages before I want to chomp on some tofu now. Though once I've finished up the meat in the fridge, I'll want to see how long I can survive on eggs and tofu and all the other veggie protein I can find before I start craving for meat again. But then that's still some time away....

Rostered for the special hymn today. Gaah.... there seems to be no escape. I don't want to take the other option that I can think of though, just being absent like some people. But then going still is kinda going against ... my essence (?) .... It's all and fine to think that it's just a bunch of songs and words that I'm singing or listening to, but in the end singing and listening to stuff like that without meaning them is equal to wasting my time and others as well, not to mention it's not being fair on my senses. Music is made to be loved, enjoyed and to create genuine emotion as well. *grimace* Not to mention I haven't been doing much about practising as well. Shame on me. I've been fooling about a bit much for the past few days. Will need to get a bit more serious soon.

HX is not really up and running yet. SL is supposedly to take care of the admin side of things this year.... but then to tell the truth I'm not up for it this year. Practising and performing perhaps, but nothing fancy. I can't handle the stress for another year, too much burnt last year and I'm still feeling sick from it. Stress levels bumped up everytime I think about it, not to mention the prospect of having to sing in front of people later today doesn't actually do wonders for my graying strands.

Miss you all back home, and hugs to the little 'pombelo'... dooshi dooshi kwee~!

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