Thursday, March 29, 2007

You have to begin to lose your memory, if only in bits and pieces, to realise that memory is what makes our lives. Life without memory is no life at all... Our memory is our coherance, our reason, our feeling, even our action. Without it, we are nothing... ~Luis Bunuel
KYOB lab was rather longwinded today. The tutor was good, very clear and certainly knew his stuff, but having to go through the hearing threshold tests and what not was boring. The test was meant to be done in peace and quiet (duh!) but all the time I could hear the people walking along the corridors, the people above, the cars outside and my own breathing... I demand retesting, since the results clearly show that my hearing is terrible. But then again, sitting there waiting for some sound waves to make an assault on my eardrum and pressing the response button isn't exactly stimulating. I was struggling to keep awake and appear interested to be honest, though I doubt the tutor noticed, which was just as well LOL!
Been to see the doctor as well. She didn't give a diagnosis but she recommended I never use Health Basics moisturisers ever again, and said to give up on the body wash as well. Right, so what am I to do with the extra bottle I have sitting in my room now? T_T Afterwards, it was a trot to the pharmacy for the hydrocortisone and alpha keri lotion and the sedative antihistamine, the last to make sure I don't wake up in the middle of the night with the itch. Losartadine hasn't been helping much at all, I still itch day and night *scratch scratch*. Sh, Q and T have had a hard time keeping an eye out for my naughty disobedient fingers, slapping them should they start trying to dig through my now red fiery skin... thanks to the poor dears. Hopefully it'll all settle down and I'll mercifully be struck down with amnesia selective for this incident... hold on, make that everyone that saw anything of my rashes as well then ^^ *evil laugh*

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