Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Internet is up and running at last! After the long agonizing wait, I'm now connected... muahahaha, no need to pop down to uni just to get my needed high. I've been liberated from my 'techno famine' ^^

Same old here. Getting addicted to peanut butter all over again. I've got a whole week's worth of 'curry' in the fridge and I'm pretty sure it's slowly growing mould in there. It hasn't been touched at all, abandoned in favour of peanut butter sandwiches. Perhaps I should just cut my shopping list to just peanut butter and bread and cheese and live off those three things. Wonder how long it'll be before I actually die from boredom. LOL.

Talking about cheese, someone.. SOMEONE... refused my peanut butter cheese toasted sandwich today -_-.... Grrrr... wasting my effort.... wasting MY effort into making them!!!! SOMEONE who is reading this has better quake in terror and learn from his mistakes, or there shan't be many more lectures or tutorials that he'll ever attend.

And everyone, say congrats to the worm ! Hurrah, straight A1s ^^ (I'm overlooking the Chinese paper of course, no offence, since I never did it either lol, and means nothing to me kekeke!)!

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