Monday, March 26, 2007

Followed Sh to her rehearsal thingy yesterday for some production that the Otago Chinese Association or other that they were planning to have. Apparently it's been going on for 59 years, and according to an un-named source, if you're a chinese here you should know about it. Riiight, I've asked around and no one seems to have ever heard of it. No wonder he was complaining about the poor response from uni students. Smart *raises left eyebrow*. And a rather sad waste of time as well. The whole thing took up one and a half hours of our time. It's not much and I wouldn't care, if they hadn't wasted it by making us wait for nothing, just for a bunch of people to turn up late and because they hadn't taken into account how big Sh's instrument was. *Raises other eyebrow*. You invited Sh to play, and knows what instrument she plays and yet have no idea how big it is? You've got to be kidding me.
The dream scene they had wasn't too bad, but it was too brief to say much about how the entire play will turn out to be. Sh's piece did add to the surrealism of the scene I must say. How often do you get a spiderman wannabe and weirdo basketball player stuck in slow mo and your regular Mr Moir look-alike angmoh teacher doing qi gong in your dream?? Never in my life probably. I get normal stuff like man-eating octupi that burst out from museum aquariums, and about flying to escape punishment for not doing my homework. Yup, poster girl for normalcy ^^\/. And I got to see firsthand how blind love is. A young girl from some city in Peking is some old balding angmoh's 'bini'. Sure, love is blind, but someone old enough to be your grandpa? All wrinkly and white haired (soon to be no-hair too!)?! That's not surprising yet. The only reason I actually noticed them was because she spoke to him in Chinese with that Peking accent, and then he answered, in perfect Chinese (and with the Peking accent too)! *jaw drops* But then that's still not gonna make me give an ah pek a second look. Not unless he's some dying Mr. Moneybags ready to leave everything to me in his will. As if.
And the opthalmology tute was something great today. We got to play around with the direct opthalmoscopes. That was the fun part. It took me quite a while before I figured out how to actually see the retinal blood vessels. Interesting, fun but not that easy. And we were promised that as fourth years, if we were still in Dud, we would start off doing those sort of stuff first day in the opthalmology department ^^ The second part of the tute was just basically looking at the first one third of the eye. It wasn't as fun since it's not really hands-on, but still just as interesting. We looked at the irises of blue and brown/ black eyes first and then moved on to look at the cornea and lens. I get why the optometrist running that part of the tute said that he made up his mind to be what he is now just because of his first time looking down the instrument (can't remember it's name at all unfortunately :S!). Too bad I'm already halfway through my present course though or I would seriously consider jumping over to the other side.
Rash is still just as bad. Why did I ever slather on that nasty lotion? My skin itches ever so much, to the point that it's irritating me lots and looking at the affected sites just make me feel somewhat depressed. Arrgh! I want, no, I NEED to smack something. Darn. Plan to dose up on loratadine and see if it works. Or a visit to student health shall be in order. Zip.

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