Sunday, March 11, 2007

I've uploaded the pictures of the brioche I made. I didn't exactly have a the sort of cake tin the recipe asked for so they've all been baked in little soup bowls and turned out like this. Can't say I'm much of a photographer lol.
Broadband is still not yet up in the flat. But it should be by next week. I'm still typing this out from one of the e-stops at Central. Could have done it of course at med lib but I'm feeling bloated, so the extra (yeah right, 2 minutes hardly!) exercise would do me good perhaps *chuckles* Think well-covered, as that crazy Maori gp they called in to give us a lecture last week liked to put it.
Got the bond back at last. Though I'm seriously disappointed at what we got. Half gone. That's a whopping 75 bucks mind you. 75! There's lots I could do with 75. That's about 2-3 weeks worth of groceries in there. Or almost a week's worth of rent. Or 8 take-out pizzas. Or... or... or... *sigh* The new tenants claimed we didn't clean it out properly (which I swear we did!), and said we even left a dead rat under the cooker stove. What the heck?! How would I know if it died over there during the summer hols? I wouldn't be there to clean it up of course. But then even with all the shouting and grumbling from my flatmates when I relayed it all back to them, they really couldn't be bothered fighting for it anymore. To tell the truth, neither do I, despite it being that much. I hate haggling and for an extra 75 I might just make myself more enemies than I would care for I guess. And yes, I'm trying to comfort myself here LOL. At least it's something that I needn't worry about now.
Getting only 30 bucks a week now, the rest would have to come from the loan. Borrowed life, for without dough I'll probably starve to death. I better look carefully at the financial implications then if I want to do that extra research year. There's still living costs to consider, something that I totally forgot about. And talking to L yesterday (funny I should meet him at Apsara, and that Camellia should be working there as well!), made me realise that I can't actually spend all my life studying. I wouldn't mind of course, but it not only makes for sad story-telling, and also I'll need income to kick out the big bad D word asap. Arrgh.
My pomelo has gotten an email account at last. Will see how long it takes for him to reply me back this time hehe. Got two bags of pears from the Farmer's market yesterday as well. 2 kgs per bag at $2.50. And though they lack the crunch of the ya pears we get back home, they are still very nice and sweet. And soft isn't too bad a texture anyway. Perfect for a person who likes baby food LOLOL.

Love ya all, and missing pomelo, worm and the two old chickens lots *muaks*!

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