Sunday, November 12, 2006

Had my first taste of pomegranate today :D Well, it wasn't as pretty as the picture up there, but lovely nontheless. Good ole Parrotsai had a good time picking out the seeds. LOL! Talking about seeds, mum is pretty upset that I've ingested apple seeds a few times now. I'm speechless, simply because I can't see what the big hoohah can be all about. I'm still standing aren't I? Haha, I'm really asking for it!

Followed nana for a talk yesterday on statins and cholesterol levels stuff. The Dutch presenter was pretty good, considering that he actually made a potentially boring topic quite interesting too. And we were pleasantly surprised at the turnout, considering how heavy the downpour was yesterday night. Thinking we might be able to get a parking space near the hotel, nana and I drove there, and what a mistake that was! We ended up parking near home again and walking there. Not that it's much of a problem, seeing as we live so close by anyways, though poor nana's toes got a good soak *giggle*! But I'm detracting from the main point, the take home message from the talk was there can never be a LDL/ lipid level that is too low, and statins are pretty safe, even at rather high intakes. Nada bad effects on the liver even though AST and ALT levels can increase slightly. And the aim is to get it below 70 mg/l (or at last that's what I think the units are... *blush*), the lower the better. Pretty much it for the hour-long talk. And I met no cardiologists either. Then again I didn't really meet much people there so I shouldn't really be making any comment. I saw a psychiatrist, a nephrologist, and a guy currently doing his housemanship. No idea who the others were. And it is pretty sad that some of the people there didn't even turn off phones or at least switch to silent mode and so every now and then you would hear a mobile go off. -_-"' And to think these people should have known better!

The island is hot hot hot at the moment! I'm pretty much not in the mood to do anything at all, except to lie down and die. I'm glugging down copious amounts of water already and still feel dehydrated. Goodness! And I must have picked up some bug or other some time ago; my nose is running. One word - Yucks. And oh, I've realised at last the rationale behind nana's dosing us kiddies up on antibiotics everytime we got a sore throat. Wonder why this came so late to me... considering that the cardiology module is long over and done with... LOL!

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