Saturday, November 04, 2006

Taken by someone in Madrid's botanic gardens.

The suggestion put forward that people should use the phrase 'my honour binds me to you' or something along those lines instead of 'having eyes' for one person alone has been niggling away at me because of what it means. I admit, the latter is a phrase that is pretty superficial and when one thinks about it, rather meaningless. But saying that honour binds people together seem to suggest that each are putting their own honour above their love for others. They are loyal simply because it is called for by society, that should they fail to keep it, then they would risk losing their honour. Where does love come into the situation then? Is it just about presenting a 'play' for others to watch, so that the applause would follow and thus maintain one's face and honour? So it could all be just a farce then? That the love is a lie to be believed by outsiders? But then again it could be genuine of course. That both components are complementary to each other...

Inconsistencies makes diagnosis harder, and commencement of effective treatment would end up delayed.

I've noticed, the more obssessed I am about it, the more lonely I'm starting to feel. Not that I'm indulging in anything yet. Seeing and learning about the side-effects scares me but the main result is attractive nontheless. Hiding is tiring though. Maintaining a strong facade when the base is starting to sound hollow is oh so difficult at times. My resolve is weak... can I deliver?

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