Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Here's something fun :D ... something I think most M2's would be needing today... Arrgh... how can they be so cruel? To throw in such a big bunch of Cardio related stuff today? And kidney... again! Didn't we get stuff on that already on Monday?! *screams* [should I add in *faints*?? Nah... too sissy-fied/ undignified! LOL!] What else did they ask? Ah yes, Respiratory stuff too. That wasn't too bad. Though asking what the pleural rub detected on Mrs. C's left thorax signified stumped me for quite a bit... I gave two answers, the second one which I think is more probably came to me at practically during the last hour... or last minute I should say instead?! Aaand... when did the parietal pleura gain subdivisions?? Hm... *frowns* Genetics stuff today was mainly about genetic testing. Not sure what I should be talking about, but I scribbled some stuff down which was partly made up, and partly fragments of stuff that I read the last time I covered that module... and I found myself repeating my answers for a few questions here and there. Should I be worried about that I wonder? My poor little strands of noodles... I've squeezed them so dry I wonder if there's any more juice in them that can be squeezed out for Friday now...

To add to this as a side note, why was Eureka's chips much saltier than I remembered today?? Less herby more salty this time :(

More goop was concocted in the kitchen today... Twas meant to come out as nice lovely ... tomato-ey porridge... but the addition of egg when it wasn't hot enough, and when it was too sticky already, and stirring it too early and too much, resulted in a whitish-reddish (good thing not pinkish!) pot of grub that did not appear to have any egg in it. And I think I've made this mistake before too. *winces*

And flat dinner this Friday! :D and on a lighter note, one more paper to go only! Then packing, then home! *ahem, then to carry out my threats on the parrotsai* And darn, plans not going well... how am I to reach my target I don't know... still a wannabe wannabe wannabe...

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