Saturday, November 04, 2006

This was something I drew ages ago... last year? I can't remember. But the point is... the credit goes to me this time! Muahahahahhaha! I know I know, self praise is no praise... and I admit, it ain't the best drawing in the world either, but it's one of the few I drew with that programme that stayed with me this long! :D

Well, I succeeded in staying up all night. Then popped down to the bindery to give some backbone to a couple of booklets. Jan's was next, and then Nat's. And I've got my bus ticket back from Chch next year too. Arriving back in Dud in the afternoon, with hopefully enough time to move all the flat's furniture into the house by evening! Electricity should be less of a problem I should think. Grabbed couple of boxes off Countdown too. Not very big, and not very small, just of the right size I think, so that I don't break my arms when they're filled! Carrying them up the hill was exhaustive work, simply because my arms was practically horizontal whenever I carried them, and it was an uphill thing... need I say anymore?

I failed to carry out part of my plan upon arriving home. *shrug* I'm half beating up myself mentally and half comforting myself saying it's nothing... And I practically konked out until about close to 4pm. Then hung out my laundry and did the 2nd load. Hopefully they'll dry out soon and then they can be packed up and be out of the way. Darn... afternoon naps were always a bad idea as far as I am concerned... I'm feeling hot and even more tired than before. At least Airwaves' helping with that sick feeling in the stomach, courtesy of the nap... yipeee, packing can commence again! Chyi has gone back this morning. RJ and I saw her off. The pangs of homesickness is worse than ever. Less than a week now! YES YES YES!

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