Friday, November 17, 2006

This is how Mammy Earth look like when taken with some UV ray detector thingy or other. Nana says it looks like a blue ghost with a mouth too big for it's own good, Parrotsai says it looks like a slice of melon... I'm going the unimaginative way and say that it looks too cute to not be given a place on my blog :P

Nothing much happening lately, unless you want to hear how hot it is still in Pen. Only real thing of note was that it rained, heavily, in the evening today. I doubt I would bat an eyelid at this piece of news if it hadn't coincided with the high tide. And so the big underground drains along Kimberly St filled up mighty quick and overflowed into the street itself. What sort of reaction can I give besides yuck! and to borrow Parrotsai's expression - "sweat!". I can't believe it - the hawkers still arranged their tables and chairs on the roadside and set up their stall, right in the middle of the water containing goodness knows what :S! There was even a bag of rubbish right in the middle of the road X_X I doubted anyone sane would want to have their tong shui and kueh chap or what nots (good thing you don't get roadside stalls in Kch... it's unhygienic and Kch would wind up looking like this sad little "pearl"), but less than an hour later, the rain stops, the water recedes, and the patrons starts arriving. No comment here.

And I made goop yesterday again. Didn't put in any salt, was incredibly thick in consistency (K calls it rice gum 0.O) but credit should be given (I think! *ah, me and my incredibly big cannot-fit-into-the-potty ego*) for my efforts to make it colourful (no blue or black bits unfortunately) and Parrotsai said it smelt good (though to keep it fair, she did say it tasted bland... well, without salt, what can you expect?). Hey, where's the applause?? *scratches head*

Hotmail has also upgraded my storage to 1000MB... yay! Though nothing can beat gmail still with it's incredible storage capacity more than double that of hotmail... kekekeke... but then hotmail will still have to stay as the main one seeing how long I've been using it and all now... Witness customer loyalty in action!

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