Sunday, October 29, 2006

Couldn't post this yesterday for some reason or other. But yes, what I had wanted to say was I wanted this hairstyle, the one on the right! Arrgh! Slightly less than two weeks more before I get to do something about the tangly web atop my head! Yippee!!

And last day before the start of the first of the three papers I am to sit. I don't know why, but I'm feeling less nervous now. Super nervous just a few days before, resulting in me drinking copious amounts of water (I probably hit 3 litres plus... :S Good thing my kidneys are working!) and now I guess it's the calm before the storm?? Or just worn out already. After all, that's what it said in PDS, there's only so long before your body falls apart under chronic stress... eeps! And the count is now at 3. Ulcers I mean. Two next to the... frenulum?? in the vestibule, and another somewhere near one of my molars. Bummer. Just as well nothing's showing itself near my eyes yet *whew*!

Picture for today is from a cattle fair in Rajasthan. Credits to whoever took it, the colours are gorgeous!

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