Wednesday, October 04, 2006

On Gotzon Borglum's statue of Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau at Saranac Lake, New York, was inscribed the following French phrase:
'Guerir quelquefois, soulager souvent, consoler toujours.'
Idiomatically translated into English, the meaning is:
'to cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'
~ from Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, Vol. 8(3) 2000by I. Jon Russell, MD, PhD. Consoler Toujours -To Comfort Always
Physiol lab this time was about urine production rates, and involved pee-collecting. First thing when we got there, it was 'right, anyone who's not gone to pee in the last 5 minutes, do so now.' *Back to being kids again, toilet training time!* The tutor asked for volunteers for the various groups. There was no trouble getting people to sign up for being controls, and for the water, raro and powerade groups. Soup? There was a brief hesitation, and finally J put up his hand. No one else would do it, and so our class ended up with 4 data collectors *grin* of which yours truly was one. [For a moment, with the assurance the soup would be made with warm water, I nearly gave in, with her saying we needed more results so that we would have back-up results in case anything goes awry... but the thought ofhaving collect my pee and measure it, and remembering the warnings from previous groups, I decided to keep my head down. Ang good thing I did, because the soup was made too thick and had lots of 'sludge' at the bottom of the can... ugh! Poor J! and yes, our results did turn out very much different from expected... LOL!]
Tried to do some study in Central, but wasn't very successful. Was rather sleepy today for some reason. Not that I don't feel sleepy on other days, just that it was hard not to succumb to it today... any ideas on how to keep awake while studying? :S
And the painting's by Renoir

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