Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Release date is on the 5th of December :D! Wonder if the libraries or Popular would stock it?

Snowed a little yesterday morning. Rained a little after that. Bright sun intermitently in the afternoon. Yup, classical 4 seasons in a day Dunedin. At least today's weather was more predictable... warm, which fits better with the late spring/ summer season we're supposed to be in now, LOL!

No idea why my brain was not working today. What I've read just a few days ago I couldn't recall at all... my noodles just went 'awol' right when I needed it the most! Wasn't really in the mood to do much study earlier in the evening either so cut short my study time and headed home.

And I think I might have moved into stressed mode subconciously? That primitive craving is coming on again... golly, if only I could turn it off like RJ! Don't ask me why... perhaps it's just that I know that I'm not as prepared for the finals this year as I've been previously. The heck, this has got to be the first time I'm not covering the stuff as thoroughly as I used to... think PMR, SPM and HSFY... hm... definitely a slacker in the making now, huh? Goodness, and I'm joking bout it still?! Haha, definitely gone mad. It's odd that most people I know seem to think I'm mad, even my parents -_-", and now even people that I've never really met. Perhaps I should start using madness as an excuse to get away with stuff, though this is thought is certainly not new, I've never had the courage to put it into action... knowing nana is probably not going to help me is somewhat of a deterrent too... LOL! Seriously though, wether to think it's a blessing or a curse I've no idea... and why though I should ask myself? Is it because of my crazy laughing episodes or something?? *shrug* Why do I even ask when the evidence is staring at me? Going from talking about stress to this... *rolls eyes* Rambling as usual...

I wonder why I listen less to myself talking nowadays... partly because the split has been getting greater? It's hard to listen to two voices than one... how to concile them again? Mediation probably wouldn't work, or I would be more definite in my decisions by now.

I'm feeling drained, more than ever before... So much to think about, so little answers and time to think things through...

Less than a month now... hopefully the As[s? Tee hee] is not off running around and we'll get the storage problems settled soon. I must remember to email my sister and figure out when to get back next year and call Contact.. soon soon soon... *makes plans to procrastinate a little more LOL*

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