Monday, April 16, 2007

The skate curry is finished at last. The remaining skate was pan-fried and eaten up. Turns out I'm not the only one who likes burnt bits of protein :P! I was a little apprehensive about the curry gravy though, but when I tasted it again after puppy had microwaved it up, it turned out fine. Not much of that horrid powdery feeling to it. Though puppy hadn't reckoned on the extreme heat of the curry and looked thoroughly tortured after the first couple of spoonfuls. Heh heh.

Weather was good as well today. A welcomed relief from the gloomy weather of the past few days. Too good to be wasted, so puppy, worm and I decided that a walk would be the best way to use the time in between after-lunch to about 3pm. The gardens were looking their usual. We passed the azaleas section today as well, and I was hoping it would be blooming. What am I thinking, when we are coming just heading towards winter? Lol. Dropped by the aviary as well. Lots of parrots in all shapes, sizes and colours there. Other birds as well but not as exciting. The blue and yellow parrot (the name I forget) was I think the prettiest of them all. There was a peacock, but even though it's always good fun to spot one, I think it's a bit too fancy for my taste :P There was a parrot who said hello as well, though only after we had moved on to the nextdoor cage -_-"' A couple of friendly keas came up close to the wire netting to look at us. I wonder though, as they stare at us with quizzical eyes, do they think they they are looking at us from within a cage, or do we appear as the caged ones to them? I wouldn't be very happy having to spend my days in a cage, but they don't seem to mind. Or maybe they do, I just don't see them often enough to know...

After that it was a 45 minute walk back home to get the dough for the pizza started. Would have been shorter claimed puppy, but then I lack the long legs necessary for the fast speed. Not that it mattered, since dinner was pretty much on time. I followed the recipe, and let the yeast froth a little with the sugar water first, even though common sense told me that instant yeast was called instant for a good reason. Not that it mattered, since we didn't wait for the full 15 minutes lol. The recipe yielded a rather dry dough that was certainly too hard to knead. I had to add quite a bit of water just to get it just right, and a little more than the amount of oil asked for. The amount of topping we put on it was phenomenal! A mini mountain is the only way to describe it when we chucked it into the oven. I'm surprised at the short time required to bake it, but I guess the reason is the high temperature it was baked at. Surprised and extremely happy is all that I can say about the crust today. It was just nice and crispy/ crunchy, but not hard, and could hold up the topping quite well. *ahhh* All it lacked was perhaps a bit of salt I think, and mozarella cheese. Cheddar does not work as well in terms of texture. Too bad I only had oregano flakes though, ground oregano would have been better I think. I could barely smell it after it was baked. But I'm satisfied overall, and we all agreed we beat Poppa's. Homemade is still best... in terms of satisfaction... and so much less greasy as well ^^! But oh, if only I had mozarella... mm... cheese....

p/s don't mind me blowing my own horn here... this is the mood I end up in when I am pretty happy with the results... No pics here, it was all gobbled up before the thought of a photo came to me... despite the camera being in the kitchen all the time lol!

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