Friday, April 13, 2007

Weather is looking rather miserable today, and to add to that, the thought that I nearly killed my worm with bouts of vomitting and diarhoea yesterday night. I guess I underestimated the punch that my powdered chilli is capable of delivering and dropped in waaay too much into the curry I was trying to make. I didn't really find it good [I wonder if it makes it to so-so level even :( ] and poor Sh and worm still managed to down quite a bit (*thanks guys!*). The diarrhoea part I was kinda expecting it, but not to the extent of vomitting. I've better moderate my chilli use in future :( before I actually start killing people.

I wonder how one goes about restricting access to certain posts but not the whole blog? Can't seem to find the control button for it anywhere under settings or posting at all somehow. So how do people do it??

Watched 300 today. Plenty of gushing/ oozing blood and fierce battle cries throughout to keep both puppy and worm happy. Storyline was good, with its theme of honour and pride and of love for family and country. Did make me wonder as well. Was the queen justified trading 'herself'', and in doing so, go against the one or more of the important codes that make up the foundations of her country and people, in hopes to not just save her husband, but also her country? Best part I think was the filming though. Slowed down in the right parts to make it all the more intense, the captivating voice and storytelling of the narrator, and the colour as well. Now... if only I could get my camera to do that, I'd quit m-school right now, hah to those big shots. I'm dreaming. If only remains as if only's.
After that it was lunch at Korea House. Q and Cl couldn't make it for that either, so it was still puppy, worm, Sh and I. Turns out that the jelly tofu soup isn't too spicy for Sh, but poor puppy was finding the heat of the bbq pork he ordered a little too much :P! After yesterday, worm took the safe route but I doubt if it was anything really Korean though. At least she saw what I meant when I said jelly tofu soup is lovely. Though it probably goes to show how lousy I am at cooking then *waah*
From there, it was a non-stop play time of uno, go-stop, poker, and scum. And loads and loads of junk food. I don't want to think what went down me. This holiday is turning out to be really unhealthy so far. I'm going to turn into a real moon soon. Help! Should I even insult worm by wishing it was my turn to be sick now?? :P

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