Sunday, April 29, 2007

Took this picture couple of days ago now. I don't know why I can't seem to get the picture satisfactory though. I'm copying the way some bloggers 'photo-shoot' their cookies, but could it be my camera? Could it be the fact I was using lousy local lighting here? It lacks that ooh quality somehow. The colours aren't vibrant enough, and the cookies themselves don't stand out enough somehow. Or do I actually need to photoshop my photos?? Why why why?

But this is just the tip of it. Everytime I read other people's blogs, just looking at the pictures give me inspiration to try out the recipe, in hopes that I would acheive that beautiful product that they have, and in hopes that I would be able to photograph it and say to myself, yes, you've got a lovely photograph there. But most times it never comes to pass as I want it to be. Either the thing doesn't come out right, or it doesn't look presentable, or my camera takes such a dismal photo I can't be bothered uploading it at all. Oddly enough though, it just makes me all the more interested in food photography.... despite my obvious lack of skills and talent.

Or could it be due to the fact that my course isn't what I had envisioned it to be. I want what's at the end, but the road is just uninteresting/ boring me to death. Perhaps I'm just comparing it to last year's course modules? Sometimes I wonder, have I taken a wrong turn somewhere? Is it too late to say no to it all and just run away screaming? Alas, in this case I know myself too well. I would never be able to turn back, not after having dumped in so much effort. Perhaps mum's saying of 'love can be developed' might work, who knows??

Watched the Untouchables today, at puppy's insistance, at Central. I thought it would be a dead boring movie (like many of those movies about AH and what not) but I was proved wrong. It's a great movie. A very rich and captivating storyline and there are quite a lot of good scenes. Even better is the soundtrack, which kept me feeling tensed and glued for more. I SWEAR, if I had an aneurysm up there, it would have haemorrhaged right there and then.

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