Sunday, May 27, 2007

Just finished this week's chore -- cleaning the toilet/ bathroom area. The fact that this month had five Sundays meant that the roster had to be tweaked slightly to fit with the rotation. But I'll be darn if I say that the roster means much to some people. I usually don't observe the area very much. It's a case of do your thing and leave with me. So when I was cleaning today, I saw that the bowl had stuff at the 'posterior' end of it. That I can handle, it's probably gotten there sometime during this week, though you would have thought someone would have had better aiming than that! Either that or a serious case of diarrhoea I would think. Then the sink. The landlord came last weekend to do the tap, so perhaps the person cleaning the area before me did it on a Saturday, hence the metallic gray debris around the hot tap. But whoever it was, still doesn't have an excuse for the rim of dust around my cup. To have build up to that point, means that a succession of people haven't been doing their job properly. I'm getting a bit pissed at this point. The last straw comes when I clean the floor. What the heck, how can there be a lump of hair at a corner?! No four people can moult that much and just at a corner! Someone or somebody, or somebodies (!!) have been mopping alright, and clumping all the hair in one corner instead of wiping it up and getting rid of it. Had to clean the sponge before doing it as well... it was filthy. The last change was two weeks ago... whoever been using it, haven't been cleaning it. Now that I think of it, I've not seen the glass doors of the shower clean of soap scum either for some time now. Is it coming to the point of being cleaned by me once every four weeks now??!!! Just as well I know I wouldn't have to put up with it come next year... Meanwhile, I assume that that's just part of their greater tolerance/ acceptance for uncleanliness and continue. But geez *rolls eyes* it's a shared flat for goodness sake!

Rat race is tomorrow. Few more stuff to look through and then a chat to mum and dad, and then bedtime. Sparkly eyed I shall be for the test tomorrow *crosses fingers*. My excitement for the test is somewhat muted though, along with my sense of tension and stress. Don't know why, it's just the overall feeling I've had this year that this year is just somewhat more relaxed and easy-going. Hopefully it's just not a feeling that only inside my head! Oh, can't wait for next Friday!! Yipee!

I know that some parts of me hasn't changed since what... high school?? When it comes to friends, all sort of shit I can take it seems. Sad. I think I need to learn how to not let guilt wash over me so easily all the time. I should learn to put my foot down and say enough is enough at times. But I'm stupid. I realise things very late even when it's obvious and right in front of my nose *wince*. But I'm a fool. And like all fools, I'll just ignore and overlook and repeat. Though then again, it's only a step away from being curious and apathetic. Just cut out the guilt perhaps? *thinks*

New washing machine still not here yet. Apparently they've (Fisher and Paykel? Flat manager?) decided that it's not worth trying to repair the thing for a second time. But how soon is 'asap'? A day? No. A week? A month? Don't know yet, but we'll soon see. If they don't get around to it soon then we'll have to start hounding them. Though I doubt they'll be as bad as the stupid empty-promises-making brown guy we had for a landlord last year. Then I wouldn't feel so bad making use of the little girl down the road X_X.

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