Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pretty slack day today. Woke up as usual and instead of plunging headfirst into my studies as a good girl should, I chose to spend time indulging in the pleasures of the Internet instead. Though a trip at about 11 to the stationary warehouse to get another folder prevented me from overfeeding my addiction ^^"'. Can't believe how much paper we are getting this year. It's not even halfway through the year and both my folders are already half filled! But the entire morning didn't just go to waste... I did manage to cover one lab from the neuroanatomy manual *sheepish look*

The revision lab for neuroanatomy wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For some reason I had imagined the lab would be overcrowded with people, and demonstration material, and there wouldn't be sufficient time to let me go through whatever I wish to go through. Turns out I was wrong... on all three counts :O! For the first time in the year, I managed to run through a lab with Q and Sh, just like old times (lol, not that old, considering the last time was only last year!), and we went at a rather leisurely pace, even giving ourselves time to laugh about two xxxx-lalias and at Q's experience of being an... 'echolaliac'(?) earlier in the day when my second clone appeared to haunt her.

Stumbled upon a very interesting blog today. Rather, it was one of it's posts that was very interesting. It does act somewhat as a foil to show how undeveloped my thinking is (not that it's that... underdeveloped of course *hehe*). But I might revisit it again sometime. It does provide me some very strong arguments... or rather protection... against those annoying holier-than-thou sort of people.... And a redirect to Snopes also provided me proof that I was right all along. That old guy at the DCC at the museum should really check up his stories and facts before using them as evidence. Just as well he's an old guy... I put it down to dementia and not fault him for it. LOL.

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