Friday, May 18, 2007

Yes, I think the picture is a bit creepy too. But I can't tell exactly what I've been up to today. In the morning? That's personal. In the night? THE project ^^ Golly, I'm all excited *giggles*

And worm and I have finally worked out what it is that we should wish expecting mums or people who want to be mums. You wanna know what it is? Lean in closer dearie. 'May you have a torpedo baby'! After all, you don't want a baby that was like me, big head AND big butt to boot. You want one like my worm, big head no butt. It's for your convenience worm says. Lol.

Made another yoghurt cake today. A tad on the sweet side for me, not so for a certain ah pa and daughter -_-"' Figures. Never seen anything easier than it. Basically throw it all together, mix and bake. Came out really dense though. Not that I can see how one can beat it anyway. Pfft, what am I talking about, my beaters spark! Eeps!

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