Sunday, May 20, 2007

Made Welsh cakes this morning with puppy after he came by after church. They were slightly sweet and probably could be eaten on its own had I sprinkled it with sugar as the recipe suggested lol. Had it with peanut butter, needed to satisfy my peanut butter cravings in the morning after all :P. But who would have thought they would go just as well with puppy's tuna? The threat of his stinky vinegar didn't come through, masked by the cakes and all... haha.

Wanted to make potato and tuna bake for lunch next week, but the fact that the deep baking dish/ tray is icky-ly sticky and my not wanting to even touch it, let alone wash it (!!), along with the fact that I had run out of foil sometime ago, meant that I had to cancel the idea and just mixed the stuff altogether and be satisfied with that. Hmm... I'm starting to regret the idea of tuna now. The thought of having fish, fish, and more fish for dinner the whole of next week isn't actually making my mouth water... Talk about not thinking before acting :(

Made muesli again today. Had wanted to stop production but then the cranberries at Countdown were calling out to me yesterday and couldn't help but buy some. At 3 bucks plus per 100g, they certainly weren't cheap, but the heck, a little once a while can't harm anyone... can it? *grin*

p/s Gosh, this post is practically all about food! Reflects the piggy I am HAHA!

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