Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Suffice to say that picture reflects my mood at the moment. I am disappointed in how much of an asshole some people can be. So what if the girl of your dreams reject you? You should have known better than to go after her in the first place, when she already has her bf of goodness knows how long. You should know better than to stare and giggle pervertedly at her to make her feel uncomfortable. You should know better than to open up your feelings through a stupid text. And after all that, you retreat into the stupid shell you create within yourself and hide in there, choosing to isolate yourself. After all that, you lose your balls and decide to Mr. Depressed and Antisocial and let everyone else who has nothing to do with your failure down as well. Shit, are you man or mouse?! Shit, have you no brain or guts to reply my texts?! To the point that I have to drag Shi L to drag an answer out of you about the upcoming performance? Shit! Do you even realise that people with a sense of professionalism or even an ounce of appreciation for music would realise that cancelling within days of a performance is the pinnacle of sins?! And you wanna be a health professional? Do you even realise that when you work as a team, the team comes before the individual?

Why am I even bothering to rant out my feelings here? When I know the answer to all of it is no, you don't care; no, you've got no balls; no, you prefer to take out your frustration on your team-mates; no, playing antisocial and being Mr. depressed-leave-me-alone is the only thing on your mind.

Shit, I wish you were reading this now so that you know what I think of you, so that you know how disappointed I am in you, so that you will see all this that I can't bring myself to say due to social inhibition. I can see why she doesn't even want you that's for sure! But most of all, I am disgusted, and if you are reading this, I hope you are extremely satisfied and happy with yourself now.

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