Thursday, May 31, 2007

One more night and I'll be free from the threat of exams. Not that I'm feeling all that stressed from it, partly due to the fact that I know that I've passed the rat race that I had on Monday. Hurrah!

Had a scare the previous night from Sh when she said she saw smoke coming out of some house just up the street from mine. That, coupled with the fact that it seemed that no fire engine had been heard in the area had my heart working overtime. Most of the stuff that meant most to me from my childhood up to the time before I left home was poof just like that about three years ago. I'll be darn if the same thing happens to me a second time. Most of the things that mean anything to me are here right now (I said things, not people!). Not to say that I'm materialistic, but then photos of friends and a few little things from my friends back home are irreplaceable and they are just little pieces of evidence that I mean, or meant, something to other people, that I was alive prior to 2007, that they are reminders of the good ole times I had with people that I love. For a person whose memory just doesn't stretch very well beyond last week, it means the world. What is a person after all without a past? What's the difference from being just some other guy with really severe retrograde amnesia? In the end it turned out to be some house waaaay further up the street, the dilapitated one I think close to the end of the street. Whatever it is, from Sh's texts, three engines were there (probably came up Stuart Street then??) and pumping away to put it out. A rather badly timed fire, not that there's ever a good time to have one, but then it being this close to exams, hopefully they'll do alright then. Though it doesn't do much to change my view of Dud's student flats - crappy, old, and downright hazardous to health. Being in a good one wouldn't be all that safe either it seems, for if the one next to you burns, who's to say it's not gonna come lick at yours?? :S Then again, I'm slightly neurotic, and am the sort to toss and turn about in bed at night worrying about werewolves coming to eat my ten blue toes.

Plan to do some piano practice tomorrow in the afternoon, since the two lectures for ECC has been cancelled for my group. I wonder if there's any point to beating a dead horse here. It's obvious that no group of four is going to pull off a proper night, and with each passing week, our passion and drive just slowly drips down the drain. Yet when there's still one willing to clamber onwards, is it right for me to not support her when I had previously pledged to do so? My flagging enthusiasm just tells me it's super-silly, why should I continue to slave on when everyone sends out signals to me that my efforts just aren't worth it? Just like the evil macrophage chomping away at the myelin sheath, these thoughts just slowly chew away inside me whenever I look at my scores. I want to break free and not have to worry about doing things as a club anymore. I want to play because I want to, not because I feel obliged to. If nothing comes my way, so be it. If otherwise, I would rather I fly because I feel like it, because I want to, and looking at things, solo as well. Responsibility becomes somewhat of a dead weight here. Don't really see a solution to it still *shrugs*.

RDA module turns out to be more interesting than what I thought it might be. The anatomy labs, if unprepared for, can sting. Otherwise, it's rather pain free as the second one proved to be after having dutifully worked on it the night before. As pain free as Mr. Whoop-de-doo's two... no, three (including today's) labs. I'm not sure why he felt sorry for us and tried to whizz through the labs. So what if an exam is coming up? It's not like this module isn't going to be part of the finals either, so we might as well work hard on it as well like the rest at the start of the year. Sure, we might reduce the amount of time we spend doing some stuff to do a bit more revision, but it's no excuse to skimp on homework I say. But it was still very sweet of him to be so thoughtful. Talking about thoughtful, that's how the Mrs. Bae struck me as. The Baes came down yesterday evening as I was just about to leave the house, up the stairs to the main road, mainly to check if the new washing machine (which by the way, looks really hi-fi) is working well. Follow-up on flatties' problemo, tick. Mrs. Bae then noticed as well that the little bush on the left of the path was getting a bit in the way and said it needed trimming. Husband turns to me and say, I'll get it cut soon. Don't know how soon is soon, but being proactive about flat/ garden maintenance, they get one big tick from me. At least they care (or appear to, which is better than nothing), and more importantly, they keep their promises. Are you reading this, Mr. Ash, you pr**k?

Class division is coming up real soon, and still no real answers from wormy. A bit annoyed, but then I guess it's rather understandable, considering I wasn't much better at her age anyway. Nana said to just choose without taking her choice into consideration, but it's practically because of this problem that I rather follow her choice. Most that are leaving I don't know well. Most that I do, are planning to root here for the next couple of years. What's going to happen you can very well figure. The heck.

And it seems that although I might judge people based on what I hear from others, and from initial observations, my perception about people change. Which is for the better I guess, since it goes to show that I still have functional noodles in the coconut shell planted atop my neck, which I sometimes doubt lol. What appeared to be a rather disgusting specimen turned out to be a rather friendly funny person. Having been to the other stream's tutorial which Michelle runs as well, made me realise I rather my own stream's group because it's more engaging and fun. Gawd, if Mr. Talk-very-loudly-called-C (*gasp*) hadn't been in stream A's tute, I think I might have died from boredom, and so would Michelle. A lazier group I've never seen. Wouldn't go so far to say that our group is totally opposite, but at least I don't feel like I'm frittering my brain and time away like I do in my path tutes these days. But yes, I think Mr. I'm-from-Turkey isn't too bad a person it seems (why should I care about his personal life anyway? It doesn't concern me). But then too bad I can't really say the same about Mr. Annoying-M'sian-down-the-road whose appearance at my tute today didn't help things.

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