Saturday, June 02, 2007

Declaration number one: Mumiak and nana are to blame for not giving me genes encoding for adequte brain size :( So I'm slow and stupid.

Declaration number two: Even if I'm stupid, I'm Dr. K. K. L's daughter. Don't mess with me. Grrrr.

Exams are over! And it's the most torturous one and a half hour test I've ever been through. Even the three four hour papers at the end last year weren't half as bad. This one is a case of there simply being almost not enough time to structure your answer properly and writing it out neatly. *ahem* Not that I write neatly when I've got enough time anyways, but anyone reading my answers would have to be pretty good at mind reading since my points are all jumbled up as they tumbled out of my head. Darn. And to make things worse, throw into the mix a large number of questions that no one would ever have thought possible of making it into print. The heck... epilepsy?! Memory?! *jaw drops* When did behavioural science become such a big shot in the exams? Did Miss Trevena stage a hold-up or something?? *tears* She's out to get me I tell ya. My memory was probably ok, but retrieval was the big issue for me here. *sniffles* Now Lord Mano-mano commands you all to cross your fingers and hope She passes... OTHERWISE you all shall suffer Her wrath!! Muahahahahahah!

Dinner at Great Taste was quite good. Considering the price, and that it was a dinner buffet I guess it's worth it. Though like the lunch one, it's still rather meatless, except for a few items. The food was quite nice, with an amazing selection (it was like a few main types of ingredients cooked in various ways... there was even deep fried battered sushi, which I couldn't bring myself to try... deep fried ice cream, yes, but rice? That's funky... in a discomforting way), but even with that, I must lament the small selection of desserts available. Apple crumble (not enough apple I say waaah! The one CL brought to lunch was better), carrot cake (yum!), jelly (bright red :O!) and soft serve ice cream. More or less identical to the lunch buffet last year, so that was the only sad thing about it. Even though we tried, we didn't make a very impressive job of stuffing ourselves. Q got by with 2 plates? Nat with 2.5 or so. Sh and I with 4 I think, though we didn't really fill our plates very much. Same situation with puppy, except his was loaded. Life is unfair.

I believe I've found my lucky star as well. Or rather, lucky girl. While playing go-stop, she picks all the right cards from the deck, she chooses all the right ones to chuck out. Poor puppy was looking rather down. Or as down as he can anyway. I can see where Nat's comment of puppy not looking particularly anything is coming from though *hehe* so I guess that's the green signal for us to continue torturing puppy. Kekekeke.

Dropped by Arthur Barnett's yesterday. Saw a shirt and a card with very very interesting (*read: naughty*) designs. Might drop by to take photos of it later *grin*. Saw a couple of bowls at Acquisitions as well. Darn, why do they have to sell such pretty bowls... and at such exorbitant prices as well. Or maybe not so exorbitant, considering how pretty they are. But then I've more than enough bowls so I shall refrain from pulling out my eftpos card. Kweeee.

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