Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Artichoke Flower by Matthew Wallenstein

I was horribly wrong about a certain someone it seems and I'm really sorry. I wasn't expecting the information I learnt today. But I'm glad we did visit today, even if I can't really help at the end of the day. I had this feeling that whatever it was, our surprise visit wasn't exactly very welcomed, that we weren't meant to know something. I feel some stuff is still hidden from us, and now thinking back, some things still don't really match up or seem satisfactorily explained. Even so, the main gist of it came out in the end, which I guess is the main thing, apart from knowing what had actually happened which helped put my mind at ease again somewhat, and knowing that at least I was wrong about the *ahem*. Hopefully he will get better soon and get up and about again. Gosh, I wonder how his dad copes with it, considering as well his given excuse for why things might have been in the past. I wonder how his mum gets along alone overseas where she is, knowing that her son is doing not as well as she would have preferred.

Only had two lectures today. The PDS lectures were all cancelled. Not that I was looking forwards to it either, judging by the two EQM lectures that I skipped... deliberately. Men with hoarse voices + boring topic = sleeping Mano-mano. And if I'm going to sleep, then I might as well be somewhere else doing something useful, no? Such as going online or playing go-stop -_-". Seriously though, I've not an inkling what the previous lectures that I attended for this small 'module' was even about. A lot of statistics and what-nots to backup what research and evidence could do to make our delivery of healthcare better (or at least that's what I got out of those lectures anyway) that was as dry as a cracker and nothing that made me sit up and say "ooh, I've just got to squirrel this interesting piece of info away in some little recess of my brain", i.e. nothing important. Or perhaps, as Nat aptly put it today, perhaps they have run out of important stuff to tell us.

Waiata practice, last one! Hopefully the weather report given to us will stay the same until it's time to head back! I don't fancy wet weather, and anything warmer than Dud's of late is more than welcome! I'm still blur about what activities we're doing then, besides having to learn something new to perform next Thurs night, and having to visit their local hospitals (or was it healthcare centres she said now??) and schools. A couple of my group mates suggested we wake up early to do morning walks. Sounds good to me. Another suggested we bring along thongs to swim. Darn, why does that one have to come up? Surely not the beach, surely not the sea?! I nodded, a serene sphinx like smile plastered across my face. A pool maybe, but the sea is a totally different kettle of fish. Being less in control of my movements in the water, and the ever underlying fear of being dragged out by a current, and the fact that the weather at this time of the year, wherever in this country, isn't exactly warm and still... No, I don't like swimming at the beach/ sea. I guess that's one part where they'll have to go without me. I want to say hopefully we'll be so busy to not be able to do that, but that might be a tad selfish. Should I cook up an excuse? I wonder what mumiak will have to say... still the same as it was all those years ago??

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